chapter one

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The usually energetic class was silent. Each student was seated even before the bell, plagued with mournful thoughts and staring absentmindedly at the empty desk pushed to the side of the room.

Even Mr Aizawa, who was normally exhausted, seemed more out of it than usual—he was standing at the front of the classroom, his arms folded over his chest while he watched the unmoving floor. He stared at it so intensely that it seemed he thought something was about to pop out of it.

The clock ticked, unfazed. Four minutes passed, each filled with an overwhelming silence that seemed to crush my ears while thoughts flooded, unstoppable, through my mind.

I was sitting in my seat at the back of the classroom, resting my chin on my hand while I focused on something outside the window. I had zoned out, letting my thoughts overpower me as I patiently awaited instruction.

"I know you're all sad," Mr Aizawa said, breaking the silence and looking up at us. "I am too. Pro heroes don't get to take days off because of their sadness, though, so we're still going to carry on with today's lessons."

The majority of students groaned—today was not going to be a good day for work.

"Go put on your gym uniforms and meet me at Field Gamma."

I stood up from my desk and followed to rest of the boys into the changing room, where we changed quickly. As I moved, however, I didn't bother to clear my head. I wasn't actually thinking about my actions: My head was foggy, like some sort of tough substance was flooding my brain, drowning out any ability I had to focus.


I jerked my head toward the voice and saw Kirishima waiting for me at the door. I must have zoned out.

"Hey, Todoroki, I know today's going to be rough for you. I'm here for you if you need to talk, okay?" Kirishima said, putting his hand on my shoulder as I closed my locker.

"Thanks," I mumbled. We walked out of the changing room, and, without another word, made our way to Field Gamma.

The rest of the class was already gathered in a circle around the teacher when Kirishima and I arrived. Mr Aizawa started explaining the training objective as soon as we joined the group.

"Get into a group of three and get an egg." Mr Aizawa held up a carton of eggs. "Then you will fight another group. You goal is not only to protect your own egg from breaking, but to also take the other group's egg intact. Form your groups, but keep in mind that there will be one group of four."

Before I could stop him, Kaminari grabbed my right hand and pulled me through the crowd to Kirishima and Bakugou. "Join our group!" Kaminari said.

"Okay." I looked at Bakugou, expecting him to protest, but his face was one of gloom (and just a bit of normal irritation)—he was sad too.

Kirishima ran to get our egg while Mr Aizawa started speaking again. "Remember, don't let the eggs break." He paused to make sure we were all ready. "We'll start with Ojiro's group versus Yaoyorozu's group."

Ojiro, Tokoyami, and Hagakure ran up to the platform, followed closely by Jiro, Yaoyorozu, and Sero.

Yaoyorozu made a small box to keep the egg in and gave it to Sero to protect, while Tokoyami held his group's egg in his hands. Dark Shadow hovered behind him.

The match was over almost as soon as it had started. Sero had used his tape to grab the egg from Tokoyami, and he brought it into his hand, holding it up for Mr Aizawa to see.

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