chapter four

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I'm terrified.

I was standing by one of the walls in the common area, trying to stay calm but failing as thoughts ran through my head. Something bad has definitely happened.

Around me, panic ensued. Bakugou was storming up to his room, sending random explosions up into the air. Kirishima ran after him, trying to calm him down, while Aoyama paced back and forth by the windows, mumbling to himself. Hagakure was shaking and holding onto Ashido, who was trying to distract herself by putting on music.

The others were huddling together in small groups, anxiously guessing as to why Mr Aizawa had just locked the dorm house.

"No one is to leave this building," he had said right before locking the doors from the outside.

"I bet a villain threatened the school," Kaminari said loudly, bringing me back to the present.

"We should help!" Uraraka responded.

"Mr Aizawa told us to stay in the house," Iida said, shutting her down, "so we need to stay here."

Jiro spoke up. "But what if the heroes are in trouble?"

"They'll be okay on their own," Iida answered. "We can't go outside."

"The doors are locked, anyway," Ashido added.

"I'm scared," Hagakure said, her voice trembling. "What if something really bad happened?"

"The heroes will handle it," Yaoyorozu stated. "We'll be okay."

"This is scary," Tsuyu said. "Ribbit."

Tokoyami and Shoji joined the group. "This may not be important," Shoji said, "but Mr Aizawa's standing outside of the house."

"It looks like he's waiting for someone," Tokoyami added. "He keeps looking around."

"Maybe he's trying to see if there's a villain?" Kaminari suggested.

"I don't think so," Tokoyami answered. "He didn't look scared, just stressed, but that's usual for him."

Suddenly, everyone went silent. I moved closer to see what had happened and heard the door being unlocked. My sight of the door was blocked slightly since the group of people were standing in front of me.

Everyone was staring at the door, barely even breathing, as it slowly creaked open. It was so quiet that even the sound of a pin hitting the ground would be overwhelmingly loud.

Mr Aizawa walked through the door and held it open for something behind him. He turned to us while he waited for whatever was hiding to appear in the doorway next to him. "Now, kids, I know it's been a long time, but please do your best to not overwhelm him—"

The black-haired teacher was cut off by shouts of shock. I assumed that meant that whatever Mr Aizawa was waiting for had come into view, so I tensed up, getting ready to fight if necessary.

However, the people in front of me weren't prepared to fight at all—in fact, Uraraka was crying.

Why is she crying? I though, confusion flooding through me. Isn't there a villain to fight?

Then it occurred to me that there probably wasn't a villain. Oops.

I walked around the group of students, who were all either crying or at least freaking out by now. Uraraka wiped the falling tears from her eyes, trying to calm down enough to speak.

"D-Deku. . . ."


No way.

𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 (𝗏𝗂𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗇! 𝗍𝗈𝖽𝗈𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎)Where stories live. Discover now