chapter twenty

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I don't know what to do.

No matter how I described my feelings for Todoroki, they were getting out of hand. So, I did as any normal person would, and I avoided him for four days straight.

I wanted to see him. I wanted to talk to him—I would even accept just sitting in silence—but it was too easy to simply walk past the door that led to his room. If I didn't see him, I wouldn't have to face him and his stupid hero feelings. (I had no room to talk about stupid feelings, but at least mine weren't heroic.)

The door slammed on the floor above and Toga jumped to her feet, pulling me up with her. She and I had been in her room, playing cards while we waited for Dabi to come back from his night patrol, and we dashed upstairs to see who had entered the basement.

When we reached the floor above, we saw Dabi standing by the stairs, his clothes drenched and clinging to him. His eyes were narrowed at nothing in particular as he took off his black coat, throwing it on a table as he made his way back downstairs. Shigaraki yelled something at him about putting it away, but Dabi just responded with, "Do it yourself if you care that much."

"You're lucky—"

Dabi slammed Toga's door behind him, cutting off Shigaraki's aggravated shout. Toga and I were already back in her room, having raced back down when Dabi started walking.

"How was patrol?" I asked, not really caring about his answer as I sat down across from Toga, who had her legs underneath her and her hands in her lap.

"What do you think? Some of the heroes gave me trouble and the rain was so bad I couldn't start any fires. Whatever."

"It's raining again? Damn."

Toga held up her one card. "Uno!"

"Uno? We're playing Go Fish."

"You guys are so dumb," Dabi said, throwing himself onto the bed sideways and leaning his head over the side to look down at us. Toga's bed was in the middle of her room, and we were sitting in the space between her bed and the wall opposite the door. "Do you even know how to play Go Fish?"


"I thought we were playing Uno," Toga explained, dropping her singular card to the ground. "Well, that's boring. Let's play something else!"

Dabi rolled his eyes at her childish excitement. "Like what?"

The blonde didn't hesitate to answer. "Truth or dare!"

I groaned, placing my cards next to hers. "No."

"Absolutely not," Dabi added.

"Aw, why? It'll be fun." She didn't even wait for our responses before turning to me and asking, "Truth or dare?"


"Broccoli, no, don't encourage her—"

"Would you rather kiss, marry, or kill me, Dabi, or Shoto-kun?"

"I thought we were playing truth or dare, not kiss, marry, kill," Dabi mumbled.

"I'm not going to answer that," I said, ignoring Dabi's comment. "Toga, you choose."


"Why do you like Uraraka so much?" I asked. I was genuinely curious, and now seemed like the perfect time to ask.

"She's cute! And her blood is nice."

"You're a leech."

Toga whined. "Don't be so mean!" Her bottom lip extended in a pout.

𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 (𝗏𝗂𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗇! 𝗍𝗈𝖽𝗈𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎)Where stories live. Discover now