chapter three

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I'm so happy here.

Toga hopped on my bed, laughing and smiling happily as she woke me up.

"Deku-kun!" she whined, shaking me. "Get up!"

I groaned and sat up slowly, stretching. Toga got off of the bed and started tugging on my hand, trying to pull me up.

"Okay, okay, I'm up," I mumbled, standing up and yawning. I grabbed my phone, which was resting on my bed since I had fallen asleep next to it, and checked the time. "It's so early! Why did you wake me up?"

"It's nearly eleven, dumbass," Dabi said from the hallway.

"Shigaraki needs to talk to us!" Toga explained.

I followed her out of the doorway and through the hall, trying to fix my ruffled hair as we walked. We went up the stairs and into the main room, where Dabi was waiting for us with Shigaraki, Twice, and Kurogiri.

"Nice hair," Dabi whispered to me.

"Shut up," I hissed. "What's so important that I had to be woken up?" I asked the room at large.

"We're going to take down U.A. High and all of the pro heroes working there," Shigaraki answered.

Toga's face lit up with excitement. "Really? Oh, I can't wait! I'm running low on Ochaco-san's blood, I'm so excited—"

"Only Deku will be going," Shigaraki interrupted, slicing her hope in half.

My face showed my shock. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"What do you think?"

"How are we going to bring down all of U.A. with just me?" I said. "Don't get me wrong, I could if I tried, but that's so much work."

"You're the main part of this plan," Kurogiri answered.

Shigaraki started scratching at his throat. "You'll go back to U.A. and give them a fake explanation of what happened," he said. "Then, after a few weeks, you'll help the rest of us sneak into the school."

"Why does Deku-kun get to have all the fun?" Toga whined, raising her hand up in the air like she were holding a knife—surprisingly, her hands were weapon-free.

"Yeah, why do I have to do it? You know I don't want to go back there."

"As hard as may be for you two, use your brains," Dabi said. "Deku used to be a student at U.A., so if he were to suddenly return, everyone would be distracted since he was gone for a whole four months. Plus, he had a good reputation, so he'll be trusted when he gets back." He turned to me. "That means you can help us from the inside."

Toga frowned. "I wanna go inside U.A."

"You'll be able to soon," Kurogiri said soothingly. "First, however, we have to get Deku there."

"I don't want to go!" I protested. "We all know how I feel about even going near that damned school with all of those fake heroes."

Shigaraki faced me, his exhausted eyes filled with irritation as his fingers scratched at the skin on his neck. "We're doing this for you," he said in a monotone. "We hate them too, and we want to get revenge for what they did to you."

"Why does it have to be me, though?" I said angrily. "Toga could easily pretend to be me!"

"You don't have enough blood," Shigaraki answered plainly. "This plan will take a few weeks, and Toga needs at least one cup of blood per day in order to keep the body she's in. You would die."

𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 (𝗏𝗂𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗇! 𝗍𝗈𝖽𝗈𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎)Where stories live. Discover now