chapter six

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I'm so tired.

I walked downstairs, slight chatter coming from the couch as Uraraka talked with Tsuyu, Hagakure, and Mina. It was a Sunday afternoon, so most of the others were either training, sleeping, or having fun outside. Personally, I had just woken up from a nap.

I entered the main room and noticed Izuku standing in the kitchen, looking for something on his phone.

"What's up?" I asked, standing next to him.

He jumped slightly, startled. "H-hi, Shoto. I didn't see you come downstairs."

"Are you going to make something?" I asked, stifling a yawn.

"Yeah!" he said excitedly. "I wanted to make something for everyone, but I don't know what we have ingredients for."

I opened up one of the cabinets and looked inside. "We could make soba."

"That's a great idea!"

I looked into Izuku's green eyes and watched as a flash of emotion appeared and disappeared quickly. That quick second of emotion—perhaps annoyance or anger?—was replaced with happiness and a cheerful expression, so I brushed it off. It's probably nothing serious.

"Um, the recipe says here that we need—wait, why are you pulling out ingredients already?" Midoriya said, looking up at me as I put the two needed flours on the counter.

"I make soba a lot," I answered casually.

"You guys are making soba?" Kirishima said, walking in with Bakugou. "Sweet!"

"Shut up, Shitty Hair," Bakugou grumbled as they walked away.

I handed Izuku a mixing bowl as he started grabbing the rest of the necessary tools.

Soon, we got to cooking.


"That smells so good," Yaoyorozu said, walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks," Midoriya answered. "It was all thanks to Shouto, though. I've never made soba before." He rubbed his neck sheepishly.

The green-haired boy walked to the table and started setting it while I finished putting the last of the seasoning on the noodles.

"Iida, can you please tell the others that dinner is ready?" I said to the class representative, who was standing by the couch.

"Yes!" He ran to the stairs, disappearing up them quickly.

Within the next few minutes, the rest of the class had come down to the first floor. They sat down at the table and I helped Midoriya pass out the soba bowls.

Once we were all seated and enjoying our meals, conversations started, soon filling the room with loud chatter. There were multiple different conversations going on across the large table, but I was quiet as I sat with Midoriya.

I looked at him. Now that he had cleaned himself up after yesterday, he looked just like he had four months ago. His green hair was still unruly but cute, and his eyes were just as bright as ever. His small smile was just subtle enough to make those who saw it happy, like it always did.

Izuku was focused on something on the table, holding his head in his hand like he did whenever he got lost in thought. Usually, he would mumble whenever he was thinking about something, but he was completely silent, especially when compared to the rest of the class.

In addition to his silence, it was also strange that he was anxiously bouncing his leg underneath the table. He had never done that before.

Gently, I placed my hand on his knee just to remind him that he wasn't alone. Midoriya jumped and looked up at me, and I watched as his irritated expression melted into a soft smile.

𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 (𝗏𝗂𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗇! 𝗍𝗈𝖽𝗈𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎)Where stories live. Discover now