chapter fifteen

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I'm not supposed to like heroes.

So then, why the hell did I wake up in Todoroki's arms, and why was I not angry about it?

My head was resting on his outstretched arm, while his free hand was wrapped in mine. I held our hands close to my chest, and, under the blanket, our legs were loosely intertwined.

I looked up at Shoto and our eyes met. Even though he and I both had wicked bedhead and were still half-asleep, we smiled at each other.

Shoto planted a lazy "good morning" kiss on my lips. I felt my smile grow wider, and, ignoring my hesitation, gave him a peck in return.

Maybe I was enjoying this just a bit too much, but I didn't have the energy to care. What the villains don't know won't hurt them.

I sat up as that thought triggered something in me. I had a job to do, and this was only getting in the way. Heroes are selfish people who only care about their own personal gain, Todoroki especially.

His arms, now free to move, snaked around my waist. Shoto rested his chin on my shoulder as he hugged me from behind, pulling me close to his chest. I touched his hands gently while they brushed my bare stomach; one hand was strikingly cold while the other was warm.

"I missed being able to wake up next to you," he whispered, his voice hoarse.

"Me, too." Truthfully, I hadn't missed it—having Toga jump on me or Dabi jokingly set my bedsheets on fire were perfectly fine ways to wake up. Todoroki didn't need to know that, though.

My thoughts raged on during the peaceful moment. I knew I couldn't like Shoto, I knew I worked with the League of Villains, I knew I had a job to do. But I also knew I wanted this. I wanted Shoto. I wanted to keep waking up next to him, I wanted to have conversations on random metal benches, I wanted to be happy with him. I wanted to just be with him.

Was that too much to ask for?

I mentally chided myself. I can't like him. He's a hero.

"We should probably get up soon," I said, brushing away my thoughts and returning to reality. "I wanted to get some training in before we go to the mall with Uraraka."


Five minutes till six in the evening, I made my way downstairs, my hair still slightly damp from my post-training shower. Uraraka and Kirishima were standing by the kitchen, waiting for the rest of us. I joined the two of them.

"Hey, Midoriya, do you mind if Bakugou joins us?" Kirishima asked.

"That's fine," I answered. Soon, Tsuyu, Todoroki, and Bakugou were with us, and we left. Uraraka had the permission slip to allow us off of the school grounds and we followed her all the way to a bus stop on the street next to U.A. We boarded the next bus and rode all the way to the mall, which was only a fifteen-minute drive.

Once we arrived, Kirishima dashed off the bus, thanking the driver as he did. Behind him, Bakugou grumbled, "Why am I even here?" and "Damn you, Shitty Hair," with his arms crossed irritably. Uraraka was pointing a map on her phone, probably choosing what store to go to first, while Tsuyu and I looked over her shoulders. Todoroki trailed behind, getting off last.

Kirishima ran into the mall excitedly, dragging a complaining Bakugou with him. The four of us remaining walked in and looked around, gaping at the vastness of it all. The ceiling was tall with blurry windows, showcasing the rain as it pattered down.

As we continued through the mall, unsure of where to go, we passed a blank wall that, for some reason, hit me with a wave of nostalgia. I stopped in my tracks when I looked back at it—as did Todoroki.

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