4: Life as a noble

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"Miss, the water has been prepared. You can now bathe."

One of the maids came in and informed me. A bath, huh...? It has been a long time now since I bathed. In my previous life, I only had a small bathtub and I couldn't even extend my legs. But now since I am Caroline, I could have a nice big bathtub now!

I excitedly hop to the bathroom with a big grin. Hello, bathtub-!!!!

What the...fuck...? I ran back outside back to my bed. I pulled my maid's skirt who is changing my bedsheet.

"Miss, what can I help you? Is the water not warm enough?" She was about to turn to the bathroom but I pull her by her skirt back.

"No, no! There is nothing wrong with the water but...are you sure that is a bathtub, not a pool?" I asked her with a fidget on my smile.

Of course, the bathtub that Caroline uses is not a normal bathtub you could find anywhere! It was as big as a pool!! I tell you!! A pool sized bathtub!

The maid looks confused. She kneels down and g abs both of my hands.

"Miss, what are you talking about? That is the bathtub you use every time.''


T-to think that Coraline uses this bathtub like pool, she's definitely not your typical young lady. I dismissed the maid and bathe by myself. This water...THIS FAMILIAR SENSATION! I tried to search where the water is coming from. Then, I saw the water was coming out of the lion head. I know now...this water is not your normal warm water, it's actually a hot spring! I knew very well since I, myself, was Japanese. This whole mansion was built on a volcano, no...this volcano must be dead right? 

Hahaha! This is awesome! In the near future, if I do feel any stress, this will solve the problem. I swim in the hot spring in happiness until I decided it was time to get out. I grab the towel on the sink and wipe my soaked body. Outside, Jane already has a dress in her hand. I let her dress me and brush my blonde hair. This angelic face...I will be the most beautiful person in the future.

Kukuku... I laughed creepily in my brain while my current face was no different from a dead fish. 

I was informed that my ''parents'' are waiting in the dining room. Before I went down, I decided to look around the hallway. Everything in the hallway was really luxurious yet giving off an antique vibe. My eyes caught something very interesting, a beautiful vase with a blue Asian dragon painted on it. It looked like something from the East. Enough with the vase, I went to the dining room where both of my parents have already waiting. 

"Good morning!!" I said with a smile on my face. My father looks a little bit awkward while my mother returned my greeting with a smile. 

"Good morning...'' 

We ate in silence until I decided to bring out a new topic.

''Father, can I go to the palace with you today?" My father looked shocked but he immediately returns normally. 

"May I ask why?" 

"Today, mother has to attend some ladies' tea party. So, I would like to go to the palace with you, today. I have no lesson today, so I would tag along." I smiled, innocently. 

"Then I hope you won't get bored easily. I won't be leaving until evening." Father rose from his seat and headed outside. I quickly shove all of my breakfast into my mouth before following after him, without forgetting to wave at my mother. 

Hehe...do you think I would actually go to the palace without any plans?....No no...I have a big plan. It's big brain time :)

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