minseok | innocence lost

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author : jibootycall on ao3
| seokjin is an artist and jimin is his muse

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"Hold that pose—ah, yes... right there. Thanks."

His hand was steady, fingers gripped tightly around the brush as he flicked it across the canvas in short, erratic bursts. His eyes studied his muse with absolute concentration, the steady flicks of his wrist becoming slow and lengthy as he focused on the bare limbs twisted awkwardly in front of him, the soft golden skin convulsing in the uncomfortable position. Seokjin could see the muscles in the boy's biceps twitch as he supported his weight on the lower half of his arms, body strewn across a chair with his head held upside down, bare torso on full display as his legs dangled lazily in the air.

Seokjin could hear his labored breath as he continued to work, eyes darting back and forth between the naked boy and his canvas, the tip of his brush gliding effortlessly over the blank space. He studied every inch of the body, every little pucker of skin, every beautiful flaw, every mole... birthmark... scar...

He wanted to capture it all—wanted to capture the boy's form as perfectly as he could, the raw emotion of his body working against itself as it struggled to hold the right position. Seokjin liked the pain... the sheer intensity of the muscles bubbling under the skin, desperately fighting for release against its unnatural hold. That was the beauty in his art—what made him unique in his execution. He wanted to showcase the body in its most vulnerable state. To showcase it in a way that didn't hide the imperfections, but rather exposed their helpless nature. The raw power of a naked body defenseless against the harsh studio lights, the clash of natural versus unnatural. It excited him indefinitely.

The boy was incredibly shy and Seokjin could see it in his face—the way he initially hesitated to shed his clothes, to expose himself in a room with a stranger. Sure, Seokjin was paying him well for the task, but the air between them was tense and awkward. He could tell it was the boy's first time getting naked in front of someone... the way he tried to cover up at every opportunity given, hands cupped tightly over his chest or his genitals. When Seokjin instructed him to lie upside down in the chair he could see the fear in his eyes, could hear the small hiccup in his voice when he choked out a soft "o-okay."

Seokjin was drawn to his body—absolutely captivated by it. His cheeks flushed and full, contrasting greatly against the sharpness of his jaw, lips full and pouted as he lay silently in position. His face was soft and cherubic, the way his pink hair rested messily across his forehead, brows furrowed ever so slightly; innocence radiated from his pretty brown eyes, but his body was another story.

Seokjin couldn't describe his body in any other way than absolutely god-like. His chest was tight, beautifully sculpted, collarbones so sharp they could cut like knives; his arms had just the right amount of tone, not too bulky but not frail either. Seokjin's eyes traveled downward to his perfectly flat belly, a hint of muscle peeking above his belly button, down to the V cut deeply into his pelvic region... his little pink member hanging soft and rather cutely in the air as he lifted his buttocks off the chair to create the perfect angle. Seokjin's gaze hung on the boy's genitals much longer than the rest of his body and he could begin to feel a tightness forming in his pants, his own member swelling under the strain of the fabric. His hand was shaking as he sketched a rough outline of the boy's lower body, his lips growing dry from his mouth hanging open in concentration.

"Turn your hips to the side just a bit," he instructed, wetting his lips with the tip of his tongue, finger wagging in circular motions as the boy shifted and looked to Seokjin for confirmation. Seokjin watched in fascination as the boy's appendage flopped lazily to one side, bouncing ever so slightly against his belly as he turned. "Mmm... perfect."

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