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author : fight_me_myg on ao3
| jimin must have been neglecting taehyung as he realises when taehyung almost falls to his knees and begs in front of the cameras

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Jimin laughed as Taehyung bent down, pretend to grovel at his feet, mostly for the sake of the cameras, because a little nagging within him was worried that this might actually be the sign of a slip, and that Taehyung might actually be teetering on the edge.

So he chuckled along, ruffled Taehyung's hair and made a weak joke about telling him to fetch, eyes glued to Taehyung's the entire time, wary of his potential reaction. He didn't react, though, probably too aware of the cameras and dozens of staff and the eyes of the other five on him.

Jimin decided to address it as soon as the cameras were out of their face, which wouldn't be until they were in the hotel, and even then if Taehyung wanted to slip it wouldn't be a possibility because they didn't have the time or the equipment they needed, so it was pointless. This really was not the best case scenario.

Still, they had to talk, so Jimin was quick to make the needed arrangements once they were back in their rooms. He leant discreetly into Hoseok as they stopped in front of his door.

"Hyung, is it okay if I swap with you? I'm sure you and Yoongs won't mind anyway." Jimin said, adding a little wink.

Hoseok hesitated for a moment, but then nodded slightly. "Okay, but don't let the staff find out or they'll lose their minds."

"Swap at 7.15." Jimin replied simply, and Hoseok nodded before tottering off excitedly to his own boyfriend, who would no doubt be overjoyed to see him instead of Jimin. As soon as the door closed, Jimin could finally allow himself to focus all his attention on Taehyung, who was waiting with a light frown on his face. "Puppy, c'mere." Jimin encouraged, and Taehyung almost ran into his arms, letting the shorter hug him tightly.

He didn't expect Taehyung to drop to his knees as quickly as he did, hands coming down to rest on his knees, palms upturned like Jimin had taught him. The sight somehow struck pride in him. He'd trained him so well, his gorgeous little pup, and he got to see the results of it every day.

"Looks like I've been neglecting you, hm?" Jimin cooed as he knelt in front of Taehyung, cupping his cheeks with nothing but love in his eyes. "I'm sorry, baby. You've been such a good boy, waiting for me all this time."

Taehyung simply continued to stare up at him, eyes wide and trusting, chest rising and falling quickly, looking almost as though he was panting. "Jiminie... wanna play."

"Baby, we can't play here." Jimin said in the softest tone he could muster. "I'm sorry. But we don't have anything, not even your collar or your leash, and we don't have time, either. We really need to sleep tonight."

Taehyung pouted slightly, but then nodded slightly, pushing himself up with a surly expression. "Fine." He said in a light huff.


"I said fine, Jimin, whatever you want."

"Hey, don't get bratty, come on."

"I'm not your puppy right now, I can act however I want to." Taehyung muttered back, and Jimin cocked an eyebrow at him, shaking his head as if saying 'please don't do this right now'.

"Let's not be unreasonable, Tae, you know you won't enjoy it if I let you go into that headspace now. I have nothing with me, no outfit, no collar, no leash, no toys, baby. You're going to end up dissatisfied and having a bad drop and we have work tomorrow!"

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