jinmin | this is my second date

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author : misspamela on ao3
| in his defence, it wasn't seokjin's fault

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9:35 PM: Seokjin

In his defense, it wasn't Seokjin's fault he didn't notice the near-apocalyptic storm raging outside or a small avalanche hitting the resort's backup generator. How could he be expected to focus on something as trivial as the weather when the hottest guy he'd ever seen in his life was riding him like he was trying to kill him?

"Fuck," Seokjin arched his back, scrabbling along the sheets for purchase. Sweat dripped into his eyes. Above him, the rock-hard grip of the world's most perfect thighs got even tighter.

Two hours earlier: Seokjin

Seokjin had come in from a run to get a drink, and the man had been sitting at the bar. He was beautiful and distant looking, perfectly put together from his tight jeans to his fitted sweater to his silver accessories. He looked like a painting.

Seokjin was ready to just subtly watch him all night, enjoy the view, but then he saw a girl come up and flirt with Mr. Art Himself...and that's when things got interesting. She was objectively beautiful, with a nice smile. She leaned over to talk to the guy, clearly interested, and the guy also very clearly responded with a sheepish grin, a laugh, and sent her away a few minutes later looking perfectly content, like they were now friends. It was very familiar, and suddenly Seokjin was very interested.

As the girl walked away, the guy turned to look at Seokjin and raised his eyebrow. Seokjin sipped his drink. Bingo.

Seokjin wasn't put together, he wasn't dressed like a model. His hair was a mess from his helmet and he was a little windburned. But luckily for him, he had his face. And that was all he needed.

"Buy you a drink?" he asked, walking up to the bar.

"I'd love one," the guy said, knocking back his mostly-full glass of wine in one gulp. He wiggled the now-empty glass as he put it down— ta da— and said "My name's Jimin."

9:42 PM: Jimin

Jimin curled over him, bearing down hard, one hand slipping up Seokjin's chest. His thighs flexed and he threw his head back and everything went blank for a second. There was a big noise, something shook, but Jimin was shaking even harder, trying not to let himself come.

Underneath him, Seokjin sat up, wrapping his arms around Jimin and pulling him closer. "Hello sweetheart," he whispered, nipping at his bottom lip. "Can I get a turn?"

Jimin stopped for a second, surprised at the endearment and the sudden change in position. He ground down, shuddering. "Okay," he said, only sounding a little breathless. "I guess so."

His casual reluctance broke off into surprised laughter as Seokjin lifted him up off his cock and dropped him down again, hard. "Holy shit," he said admiringly, once his eyes stopped rolling back in his head.

"Hmm, if you're talking, I'm not doing my job," Seokjin said, wrapping his arms around Jimin's ass and flipping him over. Jimin whooped with joy, flinging his head back against the pillow.

"You gonna shut me up?" He asked teasingly, nipping at Seokjin's lower lip.

Seokjin slapped his ass and Jimin shuddered, heat prickling all over his skin. His thighs started trembling as Seokjin thrust inside him again. "I'm going to try," Seokjin panted, and got to work.

10:16 pm: Seokjin

The awkward cleanup and goodbyes were the worst part of this kind of thing. Seokjin would have been fine with hanging out, he wasn't an asshole, but he had a meeting in the morning and he needed to get his sleep.

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