Chapter 1 - Marshal's bride

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Dream Star is an agricultural planet. Ninety-five percent of the land on the planet is covered by vegetation. The remaining 5 percent of the land is built into a huge airport, allowing spacecraft to dock and replenished their supply.

Deno is an employee of the airport. He has always been very serious about his work. But these days, he is somewhat absent-minded. He will use his tablet to check the latest news almost every minutes.

"Deno, are you looking for news about the marshal?" Deno's colleague approached with a lunch box and asked Deno if he wanted some

Deno nodded, while on the tablet, the handsome host was talking about the latest news of Marshal Zhao Lingyu.

"The Marshal has been injured for three months now. The Federal Institute and the Federal Medical Headquarters are still helpless to the Marshal's injury. The people who care about the Marshal's injury have written to him, already 7.65 billion prayer letters are online..."

Seeing Dino's sadness, the colleague immediately shook his shoulder: "Deno, the marshal is a good person, he will be fine."

"Yeah, the marshal will not have anything! If it wasn't for the marshal, I would have lost my life. If it weren't for the marshal, the Zerg would have definitely ruin the Dream star..." Deno's voice whimpered a bit.

He used to be a soldier under the marshal's command. He had to retire after being seriously injured a few years ago. He wanted to save money to buy the body repair liquid and then continue to serve the marshal. But the marshal turned to have an accident!

Some time ago, the Zerg army attacked Dream star. Although the marshal killed the Zerg queen who was about to lay eggs, he almost died, and is now lying in bed, with no possibility of recovery.

The only thing that everyone can be grateful for is that the Zerg will not be able to threaten the Federation for a short time.

"It's more than just Dream star. I heard that the Zerg Queen also swallow a lot of planets before spawning, and it has also devours high energy one. If it's not for the marshal, I don't know how many people would have died, how many resources would be lost." Deno's colleague sighs.

A sigh of relief, if the Zerg Queen really lays eggs on the federal site... Humans may be destroyed!

However, although the Zerg Queen is now gone, the Confederacy has also lost lots of soldiers, and with them the strongest of the younger generation : Marshal Zhao Lingyu. Who will protect the future human federation?

"Deno, don't think about it, I will tell you good news. The spaceship of the Freedom Alliance will arrive at Dream Star for replenishment. I heard that there is the future Marshal Lady inside"

"Mrs. Marshal will come replenish at Dream star?" Deno exclamed with his eyes wide open. As the owner of a double s-level ability, Marshal Zhao Lingyu has never found a spouse with genetic match. Now that he is seriously injured it is even harder to find a suitable spouse.

However, at that time, close to the Federation, the Freedom Alliance, which was devastated by the Zerg Queen, took the initiative to contact the Zhao family and expressed their willingness to marry.

In addition to human beings, there are many alien creatures in the Freedom League. Nowadays, some brides who are about to be sent to the Federation of Humanities are hybrids from humans and Kay.

The Kay people are similar to human beings, but without gender. Every Kay can be pregnant, but their IQ is generally not high, their bodies are small, and the children born are more likely to be a Kay, so most people are not willing to let The Kay became their spouse. What's more the mixed blood of Kay and humans has always been classified as a Kay and are not treated equally.

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