Chapter 2 - go to capital star

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When Ren Sheng woke up, he felt that this place was very wrong.

As a ginseng, he likes the sun, likes the land, and is very close to these two things, but now he can't feel anything!

Obviously, he felt a strong life force when he fell out of the crack of time and space. And there was mud under his feet. But why is that after being in a coma for a while, everything disappear ?

Has he been caught? Ren Sheng was shocked. The more he thought, the more he felt that he must be right.

What happened a while ago was that suddenly a group of people broke into the place where he lived, chase him to rob him of what his master had left for him, and coveted his body. He wanted to smash them directly but they were too many. And although he succeed to ran away, he was already seriously injured.

So when he fell into a time and space cracks, his injury became heavier, and he couldn't stay awake.

Now, there must be someone who took advantage of his weakness and shut him down here!

The room is full of metal, and there is no fresh air in the air. I usually can fell the nature even if I am seriously injured. I am afraid that I can only let those people cut off my flesh. But perhaps they wouldn't let him die immediately. It can guarantees that every piece of his meat is fresh...

The more he thinks, the more he feels that he is wright. He has been injured and has no power left for the moment. His mana wont move at all, just like an ordinary person.

"Master Roy, are you awake?" Just as Ren Sheng wondered how to escape, the door of the room suddenly opened, and two tall and strong young people came in.

Ren Sheng subconsciously shrank into the corner, and then found that something was wrong, the accent of these two people is strange, and they have not even a little bit of spiritual power!

Those people actually found two people who are weaker than him to look after him? Is there any conspiracy?

Deno noticed the horror of "Roy" and deliberately softened his voice: "Master Roy, you have been in a coma for a long time. Although we have given you a nutrition meal by needle, you still have to eat something, what do you want to eat?"

Who is young Roy? What is going on with eating? He is a ginseng essence, just looking for a piece of Feng Shui treasure to take root and let him sunbathe on the line, he doesn't need to eat, these people do not know?

No, he can also eat.... Are these people planning to feed him with spiritual things, to raise him little by little, and cut some meat later?

Seeing the exquisite teenager's face full of horror, they don't dare to talk. Deno and the soldiers around him looked at each other and could only go out first.

After the explosion of the spacecraft, because there were few ship on Dream stars, Deno first notified the nearby garrisons. Now they are on a military spaceship and flying to the capital star.

The explosion of the spaceship of the Freedom League is a very embarrassing matter for them, but thankfully the bride is alright.

The poor Kay, he must been so scared.

"Deno, you will take care of this young Roy in the future, first go get him some food." Said the major. The future Marshal's wife looks small and weak, he isn't used to deal with such people.

"Yes, Major!" Deno immediately performed a military ceremony. Although he felt that a Kay person could not be matched with the Marshal, it was the future Marshal Lady, and he would take good care of him.

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