Chapter 4 - Marshal is indecent

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Shen QiuShi looked at the little child's eyes who were fixed at his son's residence.

She finds it a little weird.

What is this coveted expression? In the past, many women looked at her son with this expression, but now that they know the situation of her son, and the fact that he may explode at any time, which one of them is still coming to the door?

"You are Roy?" she sighs in a long breath and asked softly.

"I'm not Roy, my name is Ren Sheng." Ren Sheng retracted his sight.

Although the people here are not very comprehending and seems very week, the energy in the person he felt just now is very strong. At least when he was at the Golden Age, he could escape when necessary, but now in this place he may not be able to.

As for a fight... Master has not taught him, only taught him to hide...

This person is so strong, he must have a lot of soil. Do not know if she is a disciple, but if she is, can she give her some, he only needs a little bit.

Shen QiuShi hears this and has a slight frown, the president's son is called Roy. How could this person not be called Roy? Perhaps there is no problem in it and he just choose another name, but if there is a problem, how can this person speak out?

"How come you change your name to Ren Sheng?"

"I have always been called Ren Sheng, I am..." Ren Sheng wanted to say that he was a ginseng, but stopped his mouth. Master said that I can't let others know that I am a fairy.

Shen QiuShi looked at Ren Sheng's guilty expression and felt that something was wrong.

Although they were not too far away from the Freedom League, the signal station there was ruined by the Zerg Queen.

But although she was not closely connected with the Thorns Chamber of Commerce, the president succeed to tell him that his son, although having the Kay pedigree, is very intelligent and his IQ is higher than many humans.

But the boy in front of her...Is his IQ so high?

Shen QiuShi looked puzzled at the soldier she sent to take him over.

"Mrs, at the spaceship explosion scene he was the only one alive, and he is a plant system abilities, his identity should not be a problem. This Deno person can also approve that. Don't worry about Deno's identity he is a former soldier under the command of the marshal, who after retiring went to work at Dream star."

In the Bao Ting war, he and Deno were comrades-in-arms at the beginning, so he did not hesitated to mentioned it. As for Ren Sheng... A Kay who couldn't understand most of their words, how could he be an undercover agent...

This person was frightened a lot by the explosion of the spacecraft, and occasionally gibberish.

If there is no problem with his identity, then the president of the Thorny Chamber of Commerce lied about is IQ ? Shen QiuShi knows that his son's own soldier has done lots of intelligence work, and that he is very accurate.

His doubts about Ren Sheng are now a lot less: "Are you alright? I will take you to see my son first, then we will talk again"

Looking at his reaction, she will be able to tell if he is a malicious person.

Ren Sheng was still caught in his thinking, but his pair of eyes was still stuck to the building. But after finding out that he is being taken to the building, he now wished that they would rushed ahead.

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