Chapter 3 - Marshal will not eat you

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Ten days later, the capital star.

A silver military spaceship flew over the capital's star and landed slowly at the air station. A staff member who was maintaining order saw it and immediately stood up and walked there to welcome them in a military stature.

"Which ship is that?" Someone saw that the people around him had become solemn and curiously asked .

"That is the ship of the Zhao family." The person next to him whispered.

"The Marshal's Zhao family?" the man asked in amazement.

"If not the Zhao's marshal family, which Zhao family?" Someone answered, and then looked at the spaceship reverently.

The video of the battle between the Marshal and the Zerg Queen is now the highest online hit rate video. The Marshal drove a small warship into the mouth of the Zerg Queen to carry out a suicide attack. Every time you saw it, you couldn't help but blink.

The entire air station was quiet, and people quietly watched a small aircraft fly out of the spacecraft, which make them took back their sight and make everyone continued their previous thing. Such a pity you couldn't see inside this aircraft.

In the aircraft, Ren Sheng squatted on the window, staring at the world outside with a big pair of eyes, full of surprise.

Everything he saw these days was amazing.

There is no aura here, and only a few people have energy in their bodies, and the energy in their bodies is completely different from that of the self-cultivator he knows.

So he was really not caught. On the contrary, these people should have saved him, and they are still very good to him!

Master said that the time and space cracks are very unstable. After entering, most of the people will die without burial. Less than one in 10,000 can succeed to go to some completely different worlds. Now he should have be very lucky. Right?

But there is no spiritual power here, and he doesn't know when his injury will be better... Of course, fortunately, he is not a self-cultivator. Without spiritual power, it is really troublesome for him, but as long as there is sunshine and land, there are tens of thousands of way for him to recover. He will still recover completely in the year, but on the other side it is not so easy to grow up...

It took me 100,000 years to grow into a young man. With this injury, he shrunk again... Looked at his little arm and feet, Ren Sheng sighed , even if he wants a tall and strong body he would not get it.

Deno has been observing the movements of Ren Sheng and sighed.

This child eats so much at every meal, how can he not grow up? Although he was always eating... When the major came to pick him up, he almost suspected that they had abused him!

Other people say that the IQ of the Kay is not high. Now it seems that this is true. This guy simply doesn't understand anything, how did the president of the Thorns Chamber of Commerce teaches him?

However, although this person is stupid and can only eat, Deno's impression of him is still inexplicably better - you cannot bully a child after all no?

Even stupidly stupid, such a cute and small child is still very flattering.

He found out that Ren Sheng looked at the skyscrapers outside and the high-rise building and couldn't help but marvel. Deno's slowly explained everything to him. Finally, he inevitably began mentioning the Marshal:

"When you marry the marshal, you can live in the Capital Stars, then you can go play in these places."

"All right" Ren Sheng nodded.

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