Chapter 7 - feeding ginseng

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"Mother, I can now control the energy in my body within a certain range. Send me to the nearby unmanned star." Zhao Lingyu, who had been touched all over his body, finally remembered what to say.

"Lingyu, you can control the energy in your body?"

Shen QiuShi did not answer her son's words but asked. It is very painful for her to imagine letting her son die alone.

If it was necessary to do so, of course the residents of the capital star will agree to send him away, but the energy in Zhao Lingyu's body is still within a controllable range. Although the energy of the Zerg queen is very strong, there is no need to worry about it destroying the capital star.

"Earlier Ren Sheng gave me something to eat, and now I feel that my body is much better than before." Zhao Lingyu said directly.

Before, Shen QiuShi suspected that the energy riots around her son were weaker, but now she is sure: "Your body is getting better, don't talk about sending you away!"

"Marshal, where you go I will also go!" Ren Sheng has been listening to Zhao Lingyu, and suddenly spoke.

"Why do you want to follow me?" Zhao Lingyu sighed.

"I am married to you, I will always be with you in the future." Ren Sheng remember Deno's words.

If it was said by someone else, it would be a direct confession, but by this child... Does he even know what his world means? This thought flashed in his heart and he looked at his mother. He wanted Shen Qiuishi to help him persuade Ren Sheng.

Shen QiuShi's eyes are very complicated and she suddenly said: "If you want to go to an unmanned star, I will also come with your father."

Zhao Lingyu closed his mouth. His father was in poor health. If he were to go to an unmanned star who know what might happen to him.

"You can rest assured that you won't hurt so much in the near future, I'm certain!"

Ren Sheng said again, while patting Zhao Lingyu's head, trying to awkwardly comfort him.

Ren Sheng's eyes were very serious, and even Zhao Lingyu couldn't help but believe him. However, will his injury heal just because he wants to be better, is there such a simple thing?

This evening, Ren Sheng insisted on sleeping next to Zhao Lingyu, Shen QiuShi try to persuade him for a long time but in the end still agree to Ren Sheng request.

At the same time on the interstellar network, news came about Zhao's partner arrival in the Zhao family. All the people on Capital star quickly became aware of this fact. After hearing this news, everyone's reaction was different.

Some people sympathize with the Zhao family, some people feel sorry, and some are laughing at the Zhao family in private. But whatever they say, they all think that the Zhao family is doomed.

Shen QiuShi was connected to the network of the capital star and saw all of the people talking about them. Looking at the information on her hand, her expression was dark and unclear.

That night, Shen QiuShi, like many nights before, didn't succeed to fall asleep.

Zhao Lingyu's body's energy is so chaotic, he must be very painful, what to do if he wants to reduce the pain? Ren Sheng rummaged through his stomach.

As a ginseng who has lived for more than a 100,000 years, Ren Sheng has some magical powers. In his stomach, there is a space where things can be stored, and there are all the things that his master left for him.

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