Chapter 6 - Marshal's ability

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Ren Sheng went to take a shower first.

Of course, he was not willing to wash away the blood on his body. Instead, he absorbed it all, and what could not be digested for a while where stocked in the body.

When he was finished, he made a happy roll in the bathtub where the water had been put in. Although he does not need much water now, it is still very comfortable to lie in the water.

Just some water, it is easy to make him puffy.

After taking a shower, under the lead of the butler, Ren Sheng went downstairs to eat.

To make a good first impression to Ren Sheng, Shen QiuShi prepared a lot of delicious food, the colors of these vegetables and meat were very fresh and seems very appetizing, completely incomparable to the bland nutrition meals.

"It's boring... don't you have nutritious meal?" Ren asked curiously. He estimated that this table is only worth ten nutrition meal. What's more he didn't have enough teeth to eat. It's easier to absorb than to chew it.

Want to eat a nutritious meal in front of so many delicious dishes? Shen QiuShi looked at Ren Sheng inexplicably.

"If the young master wants to eat a nutritious meal, I will go prepare some immediately."

The butler next to him immediately said. Since seeing how Ren Sheng wanted to take care of his young master, the importance of Ren Sheng in his heart has risen a lot. Because of this, he also deliberately asked what Ren Sheng likes.

"Everything" Ren Sheng showed a big smile to the housekeeper.

The old housekeeper suddenly had a small smile on his face. He had no children and used to take care of Zhao Lingyu as his own child, but Zhao Lingyu grew too fast. In the blink of an eye he grew in a strong and reliable man and didn't need him anymore. He still had no marriage and no seeing this small child, he can't wait to pamper him.

Silly, he is stupid kid, isn't he?

The old butler came with 20 nutritious meals in one breath. Seeing that quantity, Shen Qiuishi was even more surprised. Ren Sheng was so happy to laugh:

"Thank you, what is your name?"

"Yong master Rensheng, you can call this steward grandfather."

"Thank you Grandpa!"

Ren Sheng immediately said. Before Deno only gave him 18 nutritious meals, but this housekeeper gave him twenty, each plate is more full than the other, really a good person!

"Ren sheng, nutritious meal tastes bad, if you don't like it don't force yourself to eat it."

Shen QiuShi said again.

Ren Sheng has eaten three bowls in one breath.

After eating twenty nutritious meals, Ren Mou wiped his mouth: "Is it good for the Marshal to eat this? It is the best : fast and convenient to eat!"

For Ren Sheng, this kind of meal that just have to be absorbed is the best. It can be digested much more easily than meat and vegetables. It is definitely a rare good thing, and the taste is also very good.

has this child eating this quickly just to hurry feed his son ? Shen QiuShi took Zhao Lingyu's blood-supplying agent and the formulated high-protein nutrient, put it in the meal, and take the initiative to hold the hand of Ren Sheng:

"Let's go together, I will help you find a pot to feed him."

Because Zhao Lingyu is now in a special situation, they made a lot of arrangements to this island, and sent away many of the former servants, so most of the things now has to be done by yourself.

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