Chapter 11 - Marshal's speculation

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As a marshal, Zhao Lingyu is very sensitive to many things. In fact, because Ren Sheng's performance is flawed everywhere, he is afraid that he has long suspected this person.

But because there are too many doubts on Ren Sheng, but there is no malice toward him, he has no way to doubt Ren Sheng, but now it seems...

"How is your relationship with Luo Dao?" Zhao Lingyu suddenly asked after Ren Sheng finished reading the so-called practice.

"Who is Luo Dao? I don't know him." Ren Sheng shook his head, this name he had never heard.

Luo Dao is the president of the Thorns Chamber of Commerce. If Ren Sheng is really his son, how could he not know him? Looking at the dazed Ren Sheng, he could not help but smile, and then stretched out his heavy hand to touch his head:

"How did you come to me?"

Zhao Lingyu's whole person is a piece of moving energy in the eyes of Ren Sheng. Now that this big energy source is actively talking to him, he will naturally reply with enthusiasm.

However, he did not let Zhao Lingyu mess up his "leaves", but decide to use himself. He rubbed is face on Zhao Lingyu's arm, and the whole person entangled around that arm again:

"After I woke up, they sent me here. They were so nice, they even brought me to find you" Ren Sheng said as he rubbed.

"you like me so much?"

Zhao Lingyu who has never liked to laugh, looked at what Ren Sheng did, and couldn't help but raised his mouth.

"Of course I like you, I like you the most."

Ren Sheng cannot wait to bite Zhao Lingyu, but think that if he really did, he would not be able to absorb it in the end, he could only give up. And... Zhao Lingyu has already been hurt by him, he could not bite too much.

Is this a confession? This child is really bold... Zhao Lingyu has already confirmed that Ren Sheng is definitely not the son of the president of the Chamber of Commerce. Since that is the case ... Do you know what are the Kay people?"

"What is this?" Ren Sheng asked.

"..." So, I am afraid this person is probably not a Kay, but an ordinary human being, with a minor plant affinities.

When he thought that Ren Sheng was the Kay of the Thorny Chamber of Commerce, although Zhao Lingyu couldn't help but treat him as a child, he would not feel awkward about the intimacy between them because he knew he was of age, but now... He thinks that Ren Ren may be only 11 or 12 years old. The corner of his mouth couldn't help but go down.

He may really need to keep some distance with Ren Sheng in the future, can't let him go astray because he can't hold it.

"Right, I seem to have heard people saying that the Kay people are stupid. What are the Kay people? Are they stupid?" Ren Sheng suddenly remembered what he had previously heard.

"I don't know very well."

Zhao Lingyu wrapped the piece of special material around his waist tightly. Now, whenever he thinks that Ren Sheng has touched even the private place of his body, Zhao Lingyu feels extremely embarrassed.

Ren Sheng is not Roy at all. Zhao Lingyu is very positive about this point, but although he does not know the true identity of Ren Sheng, Zhao Lingyu can be sure that he is not malicious to himself.

Ren Sheng did not continue to pursue this matter, but instead remembered the set of exercises:

"Did you understand what I just read to you? Do you know how to practice?"

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