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Over the next few weeks Can was spending a lot of time with Sanem.    Leyla and Can would ride back and forth to work together and Mihriban and Bulut took turns checking on Sanem during the day.    Can had told his Baba and Emre about Sanem and the triplets, but he ask them not to say anything, as Sanem wasn't ready for everyone to know.    At work the staff were beginning to be friendlier to Can, and work was going smoothly.    Can was noticing that Leyla and Emre were getting closer, but he didn't say anything.   One day Emre came to Can and ask if he could come by and talk with Can and Sanem that evening.   Can called Sanem and she agreed.   After work Can stopped and picked up fish sandwiches for himself, Sanem, Emre and Leyla, and took them to Sanem's.    Leyla and Emre arrived together later.   After greetings, everyone ate their sandwiches and was sitting outside talking.   Sanem was  friendly, but very leery of Emre's intentions.

Emre sat his water down and said, "I have something to say to you Sanem and to Can.   I will start at the beginning, but before I do, I want to apologize for everything I have done.   I have come to realize how childish and jealous I have been and I cannot blame it all on Aylin.  Yes she was an instigator, but I am an adult and I did some very bad things.   After I tell you both everything, if you don't want to have anything to do with me, I will understand.   I have told Leyla everything, so she will not be surprised by what I'm about to tell you."

Emre started at the beginning, and told Can and Sanem everything, starting with telling lies to Sanem to get her to do things for him, to finally the whole Fabri mess.   Everyone was very quiet while he talked, and at one point Leyla reached over and held his hand.  The one everyone was watching, even Sanem was Can.   He just sat with his head down while Emre talked, and when he finished Can didn't say anything for a few minutes.

Sanem was actually afraid Can would blow up and leave, but he just sat there.   Can reached over and picked up her hand, kissed it and said, "It's okay Sanem, I'm not running.   I have learned to listen first."   

He turned to Emre and begins speaking very quietly, "I am very disappointed and actually hurt, by everything you just told me.   I can't believe you would do all of this because of jealously and spite.   I will forgive you eventually, but it will be a while before I don't feel hurt.   You are my brother; actually my baby brother and I love you no matter what happens.  This explains so much, and I need to apologize again to Sanem, I see now why things were such a mess and you were pulled so many ways.   Right now I will just think about everything and if okay Emre, we will talk about all of this again with Baba.   I know you said he knows, but does he realize how much Huma was involved, also?"

Can stood up and walked over to Emre, and hugged him, both brothers were crying, as were the sisters.   Sanem spoke to Emre, "Thank you for explaining my part in everything.   I was and am very naïve, but I should not have done the things I did, just because I didn't know Can.  I forgive you for taking advantage of me and I am proud of you for confessing everything like you have.     Now I want to know why you have been holding my sister's hand."   They laughed as Emre and Leyla both blushed.

There is still a lot of forgiving and discussing to be done, but they have made a start.  Sanem was so proud of Can for not jumping up and running away, and for listening to everything.   She was so hopeful for a future for their little family, and couldn't wait to tell him.

After Emre left with hugs from all of them, and Leyla went to the guest room to sleep.   Sanem got Can's hand before he could go to the couch to sleep, and said, "I think you will be more comfortable in my bed with our babies and me."   Can looked surprised and  very quickly said, "Okay."   He followed her to the bedroom, and she reached up and kissed him, and grinned saying, "Your babies might push you in the floor, but you're a big strong guy I know you can handle it."    He grabbed her and started kissing her saying, "Does this mean you will marry me before 'our little keep us awake children' get here?"    She replied, "Yes, I will marry you.  I am so proud of you, because it seems we have both grown up a little recently."

They decided they would call Sanem's parents in the morning and plan a wedding with the registrar as soon as possible.  They both went to bed with big smiles and snuggled all night, with very little sleep as their babies seemed very happy with the news, too!   Lots of little kicking went on all night!

Sanem's parents and Can's Baba were both happy with the news and quickly made arrangements for Can and Sanem's marriage.   When Sanem was almost thirty-six weeks pregnant, they met with Sanem's parents, Can's Baba, Emre, Leyla, Mihriban, and Bulut at the marriage registry office.   Sanem wore a beautiful white flowing dress and Can wore a white shirt and black vest.   You could feel the love in the room and there was not a dry eye, as the two love birds said their vows that they wrote themselves.  Afterward Aziz treated everyone to a reception lunch at a local restaurant.   It was actually the one on the waterfront that Can and Sanem went to for their first meal together.   Not too expensive or fancy.  

They were all seated laughing and having a great time, when Huma and Polen walked up to the table.  Huma said, "What is going on here? What are you celebrating?"   Polen was giving dirty looks at Can and Sanem, as Can had his arm around her, and had just kissed her cheek.   Aziz said, "We are having a celebration of our family.   What are you doing in Istanbul?"   Huma didn't answer his question, but replied, "Why wasn't I invited, this is my family and what are those people doing here?   Polen needs to talk with Can,  come with us Can and Emre you come to.

Can replied, "I'm sorry I am not going anywhere, I am celebrating with my wife and our family right now."   Polen walked over to him and started rubbing his shoulders, saying "I need you now, come with us."   Can said, "I am busy with my wife, I just told you."   Bulut spoke up and said to Polen, "As Sanem's attorney, I have to remind you that you were court ordered to not appear in front of Sanem again.   As an officer of the court, if you don't leave now I will have to call the police."

Huma huffed and said, "Did you say you married that girl?"   Can, Nihat, Aziz, Emre, and Bulut all stood up and just looked at Huma.

Polen kept trying to get Can's hand, and he pulled away, saying "I told you months ago, I never wanted to see you again.   What are you doing here?   Huma you are not to insult my wife or her family.   Now if you would both please leave."    Polen said, "But I need you to do another photography job for me.    You need to leave now."

Can replied, "I am not going to do any photography jobs now, or in the future for you or your company.   Bulut please call the police, if they do not leave."

At that Aziz took Huma by the arm, and led her away from the table, saying "You are embarrassing our family and my sons.  Leave now."

Huma said, "But I should have been invited, why was I not invited."   Aziz replied, "I have not reported your involvement in the attempt to put our family company out of business and your involvement with Aylin.   You do know she is in jail don't you?    Do you want the same fate?   I haven't reported you yet, but I still have all of the evidence.   You were not invited because your son did not want you here, so please leave and take Polen with you.   She hit Sanem with a car, which is a felony, and she only got off because Sanem did not want to see her or press charges.    So leave now."

Huma turned around and looked at Can, who was holding Sanem and told him he would regret the day he married her.   She then grabbed Polen by the arm and walked out.   As they got to the door, a police officer walked up and ask if Polen had been harassing Sanem Aydin Divit again.   Polen who looked really scared said, "No, I did not know she was here or I would not have come into this restaurant.   The officer said, "Good you are leaving or I would have to arrest you.   Now have a good day."

He then walked into the restaurant and waved and winked at his friend Bulut.   Everyone at the table turned and looked at Bulut, who just shrugged and grinned.   Everyone laughed and went back to celebrating.

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