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A few days later Huma came to the Agency to talk with Emre.   After telling Emre that she was broke because her fifth husband had divorced her and because of a pre-nuptial agreement, she got nothing.   She told Emre about this big investment venture that she wanted Can and Emre to invest in and it would really help her out.   It was a big condominium, being built on the coast, after being built they will sell for millions of dollars each.    If Emre could talk Can into going in on the investment, of one million USA dollars, their return would about five million dollars apiece.    She kept talking until Emre called Can into his office to hear Huma.

Can did not need to make an investment like this to make money, as he and Sanem were both wealthy from her novels and his photography.    Can did know that Emre needed money, to save for his and Leyla's marriage.   Can told Huma that he would discuss with Sanem, before committing to such a large amount of money.     Huma was not happy with what he said, but she had no other choice but to be nice and wait.

When Can arrived home, they had eaten, and put the toddlers to bed.   Can told Sanem about the investment that Huma had told him and Emre about, and ask her what she thought about investing some money.   He told her he would like to help Emre and Leyla, and he knew that he and Sanem would have to put in more to equal the million dollar investment.   Emre and Leyla just did not have that kind of money.   Sanem said, "It sounds like a good idea to help Emre and Leyla, but I am so sorry to say this, I don't trust Huma at all.    What if we ask Bulut to check on the investment, and if all legitimate, then invest as much as you want?    I'm not against the idea at all, just concerned about where the idea came from."    Can agreed, "I have the same reservations, but I do want us to be able to help Emre and Leyla.   Let's call Bulut, if he is busy, we will call Metin."

After Can got off the phone, he found Sanem in the bedroom preparing for bed.   She asks, "How was your conversation with Bulut?"   Can replied, "Surprisingly Bulut and Metin are already working together to see what Huma and Polen are up to in Turkey right now.   They did not like the way Huma and Polen were acting at the birthday party, and decided to investigate.   He said for us to try and hold off investing at least one day.   They should have some news for us tomorrow."   Sanem said laughing, "Wow we have some good friends, to investigate for us, before we even know we need something investigated."   They decided to shelve the conversation till they hear from Bulut and Metin.   They went to bed snuggling, as they normally do, and sleeping as soundly as they could, listening for their children.

At work the next day, Can explained to Emre, that Bulut and Metin were checking on the investment.   He and Sanem were willing to invest, if it checked out.   He asks Emre to not tell Huma they were having it checked out.   Emre said, "Mother has already called this morning, wanting a check.   I told her we would talk about it later with you, so she may call you in a little while."   Can said, "I will handle her when she calls, don't worry I will be nice."

Later that afternoon, Huma and Polen came to Can's office.   Huma starting asking Can for a check for the investment, while Polen tried to hug Can.   He backed away saying, I still need to talk to Sanem about this amount of money. 

 Huma starting saying hatefully, "Why do you have to talk to her, she is just a gold-digger hanging onto you for money?"   Can replied, "That's not true, Sanem has more money than I do right now, from the sales of her books.    We put all of our money in joint accounts; as we are married, to use for our family.    A lot of our money has gone back into the Agency; since we had some loses from stolen accounts, from your friend Aylin."

Polen started saying, "Can this is a great opportunity, all of my family and I have invested.   You just need to write a check."

Can asks, "What is the reason you are pushing this right now?   Can't you wait a couple of days?"   Huma said, "I need to leave Istanbul by tomorrow, to invest the money.

There was a noise in the hall, and they turned to see a stroller with three very happy toddlers, laughing and calling for Baba.   Can very quickly went to the door to allow his wife and children to come in, Bulut was following behind them.   Huma said, "Who allowed those children in here, this is a place of business?   Sanem you should not bring the children you are babysitting, into this office."   Polen stood to the side smirking, while Huma was talking.

Can bent down and picked up Ates and Yildiz, because they were the loudest, while Sanem picked up Deniz, who was calling for her Baba.    Can sat down and held all three, saying "I would like for you to meet mine and Sanem's babies.   They are two years old, and love coming to see me at work."

Huma said, "I don't believe they are all yours, except the boy, he looks just like you.   You never told me I had three grandchildren."   Can replied, "You didn't listen when we tried to tell you, and yes we have triplets.   We are very proud of them."   Polen said, "Well just give us your check and we will leave.   I can't stand all these snotty kids, running around."

Can looked at Bulut and ask, "Do you have something to report, Bulut?"

Bulut introduced himself to Huma and Polen, as Sanem's attorney, and said, "Metin will be right here, as he is waiting on someone at the front door."   They saw Metin coming down the hallway, with two police officers.    Huma jumped up and said, "I will just go through Emre's office and leave."   She started toward the door of Emre's office and there stood Emre and Aziz, blocking the door.   Can said, "Huma and Polen, both of you have a seat.   We will listen to this report together.  Then you will need to leave because of the restraining order against Polen."   Sanem went over and stood with Can, while their little ones went over to the corner, where Can kept toys for them.

Bulut started by saying, "Metin and I have investigated these investments at Can and Sanem's request.   We have found that this is a false investment, more accurately described as a Ponzi scheme.   We feel like you have been asked, as the last amount of the money to be collected, and then they were planning to run with all of the investment dollars.   Huma and Polen both have airline reservations to leave in the morning for Greece.   A country without extradition laws with Turkey." 

 Metin spoke up saying, "These police officers are here to arrest Huma and Polen for false schemes to scam money from investors.   The Turkish Police have been investigating these ladies for several weeks."

The police officers stepped over to Huma and Polen asking them to stand.  They were read their rights, but no handcuffs because of the children in the office.   They lead them out with Huma saying, "This is not true, you are making a big mistake."   Polen was saying, "Can, I still love you, why are you doing this to me?"

When they were gone, the Divit men thanked Bulut and Metin for saving them so much money.   Sanem thanked them for starting their investigation, before we even knew we needed an investigation.   Bulut told them, "It was really our pleasure, as we enjoyed working together, and I hate people that trick good people out of their money."

The three kids ran over to their Baba and Anne, saying pizza, eat, eat, eat!   That made everyone start laughing.   Can said, "Okay, okay let's order pizza, to be delivered for everyone.   So the whole office, Metin, Bulut, the Divits, and the babies had a celebration of pizza.  

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