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I decided to go ahead and post this chapter tonight.  It is a long chapter and will make your heart weep, but full of love.  Thank you for all of the comments and for reading.

When Can got there, it was a little before 7:00, and he just parked and went down the path to Sanem's house.   The gardens were beautiful, smelled wonderful, and reminded him of Sanem.   As he got closer he heard crying, the door was open and he said, "Knock, knock, Sanem it's me Can."   Leyla went to the door and said, "Come in Can, we are in here."   Can was surprised to see Mihriban was also there, and holding Sanem's hand.  When he saw Sanem's tears, he asks, "Sanem are you okay?"

She took a deep breath and asks Can to sit down.  She started quietly saying, "Can, I have something to tell you, I don't need anything from you, but it is your right to know.   I know we used protection that night, and I don't know why it didn't work, but it didn't.   I am five and one-half months pregnant with triplets, two girls and one boy.   Like I have already said, I have plenty of money to raise my babies, and hire someone to help me with them.   I haven't told you sooner, because I felt I should tell you face to face.   Until tonight Leyla is the only one that knew everything, I just told Mihriban about the triplets a few minutes ago.   She just found out about you being the father.  I have not told Baba and Anne yet, but that's next.   I know you probably think I am lying, and it is okay if you want a DNA test after they are born.   You can visit them whenever you want, but I can raise them by myself."

Can just sat there with a stunned look on his face, as he looked at Sanem.   He then looked at Leyla, who nodded her head, and then he looked at Mihriban.   He opened his mouth and nothing came out, then he tried again, "Triplets?"  Sanem nodded yes, and then held her breath.

Tears started down Can's face and he said, "I'm going to be a father, of three?"   Then he asks, "Are you okay, are you sick a lot?   Can you feel them moving?  Does it hurt?"   Then he ask, "Will you let me feel, next time they move?"  She said, "Yes you can feel, no it doesn't hurt, and I am fine."

Then he went to Sanem and got down on his knees crying, saying, "Of course I believe you; I am so sorry for all the harm and hurt I have caused you.   Please forgive me.  I have never stopped loving you.   I was just so jealous of anyone that spoke to you and I took it out on you.   I have spent the last five months missing you so bad, and regretting everything I have done.   I was not fair to you, parading Polen in front of you.  I was so stupid; I have never been in love before and did not know how to act, and still don't.  Please be patient with me as I learn.   Please let me help you raise our babies."

Sanem wiped the tears off of Can's face and said, "We will talk more about all of that later.  I need to think a little, because I made so many mistakes, as I have never been in love before either.  I will never keep you from your children, but I need to make sure I am strong enough to be in a relationship.  Can, I was really scared of you that night, and hurt physically and emotionally.   I need to make sure I can stand on my own feet if something like that happens again.   I do love you, but I need to know that I am ready to trust again.  You are my first and only love, and I need to learn, also.

Can was so sad to know that he had scared and hurt Sanem so badly, but thankful that she would let him be around.   He was so excited to think he was going to be a father, and scared to death that it was three at once.

Sanem said, "Could I ask you to please don't say anything until I talk to my Anne and Baba?   They are going to be so upset with me, so I don't want them to hear it from anyone else first.   Just please give me a little time.   I will have them come here, so no one in the Malhalla sees me.   I don't want any gossip about me that will embarrass my family.   As you might have noticed, my stomach has gotten pretty big, especially recently."

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