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Bulut called his boss and friend at the farm, Mihriban Tayfuni, to come to the hospital, when the girl did not wake up.    He felt like she would feel better if there was another female there when she did wake up.   When it got closer to daylight, Bulut and the police officers went back to where he found the girl in pink, looking for identification.  Bulut was on good terms with the law enforcement, as he is an attorney, and had helped them many times before. 

 When they got to the area where she was found, the officers were astounded that she had obviously fallen so far and lived.  They were able after much looking to find a small purse, with some money and a cell phone.   Bulut showed them where he thought he had seen a truck stop on the dirt road above, telling them that it stopping had helped him locate her.   He really wasn't sure about the vehicle, but he knew it was big.

The officer in charge took the cell phone and purse back to the hospital.  She was still unconscious, so he started looking at the last numbers she had called.   It looked like she had tried to call a number with the name, Can several times, but never connected.  The last number she spoke with was Leyla.    He dialed that number from his phone, and asks if he was speaking to Leyla; that he was Detective Altay, from Istanbul Police Department.   She said, "Speaking."   He told her that someone from the phone he found, and gave her the number, had talked with her last night, that person had been in an accident.   Leyla started crying, saying "My sister, Sanem Aydin has that phone number and she called me last night.  Is she okay?   Where are you, my parents and I will be on our way?"  He told her "She is okay, still unconscious, please come to the Istanbul Hospital.   I will be here when you get here."

When the Aydin's reached the hospital, they were shocked to see the condition that Sanem was in and that she was still unconscious.   The doctors told them that the CT scan, did not show a head injury.   They felt like the shock of being hit was keeping her unconscious.  She needs to have surgery to set her shoulder and arm, but they had waited until family was found to sign consent.   Her Baba signed the consent and asking "Are you sure there are no other injuries?"   The doctor told them that, "She is covered in bruises and scratches.  When she wakes up she can tell us if any other areas hurt, but the scans are clear."

After kissing Sanem's forehead, almost the only spot not bruised or scratched, they went to the waiting area.  There they met Mihriban and Bulut, who were waiting on word about Sanem.  The police officer in charge came into the room, introduced himself as Detective Altay, and wanted to ask questions of the family.  Nihat said, "Of course Detective, and maybe you could fill us in on what happened?"

Bulut started explaining his part in finding and rescue of Sanem, and bringing her to hospital.   He explained that while he went with the officers to search for identification at the scene, he had phoned Mihriban to come sit with Sanem so she wouldn't be alone.   The Detective explained how they had found Sanem's purse with phone and money, and called Leyla.  He also, explained that they were treating her accident as a hit and run, as it appears she has been hit by a car.   He told them the area where she had been found.

The Aydin's were horrified to hear all of this, and ask Leyla what Sanem had told her on the phone last night.   Leyla said, "Sanem just told me that Can was angry with her and she was going by to try and talk to him on the way home from work.  She had already left, when she called me.  But the area where you found Sanem is not where his home is located."

The Detective then proceeded to take all the information on this Can, home address, and work place.  They were planning to go talk with him and see if he had contact with Sanem the night before.

When Can gets up in the morning, he was surprised that Polen had left already.   He hoped that she had finally come to her senses and realized he did not want to be with her ever again.  She left a note saying she was going back to London.   He was drinking his tea in the garden, just thinking sadly about Sanem and everything that had happened since he met her, when Emre came to the garden door saying he had a visitor.

When he went inside he was surprised to see an older man that introduced himself as Detective Altay and his officers from the Istanbul Police Department.   He invited them to sit down and ask, "What can I do for you Detective?"  Detective Altay started by asking him, "Where were you last night about 9:00 PM?"  Surprised Can replied, "I was at my hut, in the mountains off of Belgrade Forest Road.  Why are you asking?"   Detective Altay ignored his question and then asks him, "Were you alone there?"   Can said, "Polen Yilmaz, was with me most of the time."  The Detective then asks, "Anyone else?"   Can replied, "Sanem Aydin came by, but was only there a few minutes.   I don't understand why you are asking me these questions."

Detective Altay then asks, "Were there any arguments or physical violence at anytime last night?"  Can looking very puzzled said, "How did you know? Sanem and I had words, but no physical violence.  I would never physically hurt her."

Detective Altay said, "Did you grab her shoulders at anytime?"   Can replies getting upset, "I may have, but you don't understand the situation.   I was very angry with her, for good reason, so if she is complaining, then I will counter complain as she lied to me.  I don't know what is going on, but she has lied to me a lot and I won't stand for her complaining about me."

Detective Altay replied coldly, "Were you angry enough to hit her with a car and leave her for dead, in a ravine?  Would you please come with us to the police station for more questions?   We need to get to the bottom of this.  Where is the vehicle you were driving last night?  We need to see your cell phone, also."

Can said getting very agitated, "What do you mean Sanem was hit by a car?   Where is she I want to see her?"  The Detective replied, "I am sorry but you are not allowed to see her until she regains consciousness, if then.  It will be up to her.  Where is Polen Yilmaz this morning?"  Can replied, visibly upset, "She left for London early this morning.   Here is the note she left me.   Emre call Leyla and find out how Sanem is doing and let me know?   Call Metin, I think I might need him to meet us at the Police Station." 

 Detective Altay led the way out of the house, with an officer walking behind, Can wasn't handcuffed, but he felt like he was under arrest.   As they neared the car, another officer came up and told Detective Altay there was no damage to the truck or car sitting in the driveway.  Can then remembered and told the detective about calling the rental place to pick Polen's car up, where she said she hit an animal or something.   Detective Altay immediately phoned his office, to pick up the car.  He instructed them to bring it to police evidence garage immediately to be  checked.

As the police car drove away with Can in the back seat, he was devastated to think Polen might have intentionally hurt and attempted to kill Sanem.  He was a monster to have put his hands on Sanem and yelled at her.  Why didn't he make sure she had transportation home, when he yelled for her to leave?  She was walking for miles on a deserted dirt road because of him and could have been killed.  He needed to see her right away and apologize.   Being upset over perfume was stupid, when she was hurt because of him.   What is wrong with him to treat someone he loves this way, he is not even human. 

SANEM AND CAN:  OUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE BORINGWhere stories live. Discover now