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Another month had passed and it was time for the triplets to celebrate their fourth birthday.   As usual Can and Sanem had a garden, patio, and houseful of children and adults.    The children insisted on three different cakes made by their Anne.   This year Sanem had Dante and Nonna Cemile to help with the cake decorating.    Yildiz wanted a yellow princess cake with pink flowers, Deniz wanted a purple cake with butterflies, and Ates wanted his red cake with fire trucks.   Sanem always has so much fun with planning their party, and this year even more fun as Dante was such a proud big brother.

He would be starting school soon and would be in the third grade, he was so excited as Baris was in his class.   They were going to play on the soccer team together.    The triplets did not think it was fair they didn't get to go to school, so Can and Sanem found them a pre-kindergarten class for four year olds.    It was only three half days a week for the first four months, then all day three days a week until they started kindergarten.   Sanem was sad about her babies starting school, but they were so happy, she couldn't stand in their way.   When Taylan found out the triplets were going to school, he insisted until Yonca let him go to pre-kindergarten with them.

She and Metin were very happy together and were planning a wedding in a year.    Metin wants to get married now, but Yonca wanted to wait as they had not known each other very long, and wanted the boys to be more comfortable.    Which would not be a problem, as they were already calling Metin, Baba Metin, he of course loved it.    Can was still astonished that his confirmed bachelor friend, was now a family man.

The first day Sanem and Can took the triplets to school, she cried as they jumped out of the car with just a quick goodbye, and ran into the school.     Can had tears in his eyes but told her it was okay, as they were growing up now.   She told him she didn't think she was ready, but knew it was time.    Can talked Sanem into going into work with him during the hours the kids were in school.   Not to work at the agency, but to sit in the office with him, and write on her book.    Just be together like old times.     She loved the idea, so a new normal was formed for the Divit family.     Nonna Cemile had been going to Mihriban's farm and helping do little things, as her cancer was in remission now.    She, Aziz, and Mihriban had grown very close over the last few months and loved spending time together.  The three friends and Nihat and Mevkibe were always going out to dinner, or eating at each other's home.

One day while Sanem and Can were working quietly in his office, the door opened and in walked Ceyda and an older man.   Can jumped up and said, "Ceyda, why are you here?   You have a restraining order against you coming near us."

Ceyda said, "Its okay Can, I am here to apologize to you and Sanem.    I was afraid if I called ahead, or even knocked on your door, you wouldn't let me come.    I have been out of rehab for about a year, and this is my husband, Elvan.   We went through rehab together, and learned a lot about our problems.    I am not going back to Compass Sports, and we are in the process of moving to America, for a new start.   I am so sorry for the way I acted toward the both of you, and your children.    I just wanted you both to know that I had successful treatment, and ask for forgiveness.   I am ashamed of how I have acted in the past, and especially toward all of you."

Sanem  had stood up and walked over to Can, when they came in.    She squeezed Can's hand, and walked toward Ceyda.   Sanem who is the most forgiving person in the whole world, reached out and gave Ceyda a hug, then shook her husband's hand.    She said, "I am so happy for the both of you, and I wish you many blessings in your new life in America."    Can walked slowly over and shook both of their hands and wished them well.   They left soon after, and Can and Sanem just looked at each other smiled, very relieved, and hugged.

SANEM AND CAN:  OUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE BORINGWhere stories live. Discover now