5...4...3...2... Screw That Just Go!!!

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     When it was time for the UA entrance exam, Deku confidently walked up towards the exam area, where he tripped. He was saved by Uraraka and was all flustered. After the practical exam, it was time for the fighting portion. He tried to go thank Uraraka after he saw her there, but he was stopped by a stern-looking boy with glasses who scolded him for trying to distract her. Everyone stared at Deku and saw him as an easy target as he was scrawny and shy. Suddenly, Present Mic screeched, "THERE'S NO COUNTDOWN IN AN ACTUAL BATTLE, GO GO GO!!!" and everyone took off.

       Earlier, when Deku learned that the battle would be against robots, he already had a plan of what alien he would transform into. He reached towards his watch, and selected his technological humanoid alien, Upgrade. He quickly slid on the floor towards an enemy robot and took it over. As that robot, he attacked all the other robot villains in the vicinity. When there aren't any more robots in the area, he would destroy the one he took over and glided around in a parachute shape looking for another one to take over. He also shot green laser beams from his eye in order to destroy robots that were far away. He gathered up a lot of points doing this until he heard the rumbling footsteps of the giant 0 point robot. Although as Upgrade, he could easily take it down, he decided it would be better to gather more points until he heard a scream.

       He looked back and saw Uraraka about to get crushed by the robot. Without thinking, he slid as fast as he could towards the robot and up a building. He jumped off the building and expanded his body as wide as he could in order to cover the entire robot and take it over. He took control of the giant villain and stopped it in its tracks before it could step on the girl. He short-circuited the robot and had it fall backward in order to prevent it from harming anyone else.

       A flash of red arose from the robot, and Deku was falling from the height of the villain's head. The watch was timed out, and from the height, he was falling at, he would die on impact when he reached the ground. Although he knew that he would die, he was glad that he saved the girl. When he just about to hit the ground, Uraraka slapped him, making him float and saving his life. He checked if she was okay, and while they were thanking each other, an air horn went off signaling the end of the exam.

       Deku went home feeling like he did really well, despite the amount of time that the giant robot took up, he was proud of himself for saving someone's life. A couple of weeks later, he got a letter from UA, with a personalized message from All Might himself. "Congratulations young Midoriya! You have been accepted to the UA hero course! In the villain exam, you achieved 1st place by getting 76 villain points, and 60 hero points!" The hologram then plays a video of Uraraka asking to give Deku some of her points for taking away some of the points he could have gotten since he used his time to save her. "You acted without thinking yet again and used your own power to save someone. You will make a great hero one-day young Midoriya. I can't wait to teach you at UA. Oh yeah! I will be working at UA as a teacher this year! I can't wait to see what else you're capable of!"

       During the time between the exam and the beginning of the school year, Deku and Bakugou went to their old school to get some paperwork done. Once they were done, Bakugou threatened Deku like usual. "How the hell did you get into UA?! You must have cheated somehow. You and your stupid speed quirk are nowhere near as strong as my explosions! I'm supposed to be the only student from our crappy school to get in and you had to screw it all up. Do you think you can make me a fool by lying to me, then do better than be? I warned you not to apply." he snarled. "I applied because someone told me that I can become a hero. Like it or not, you can't stop me" Deku replied.

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