30. You Mean A Poodle?

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Jareth POV

Sarah learning how to mindspeak was surprising in a small way. She was remarkable, but it did take her longer than expected. Her timing was perfect, however. I was hanging on the torture wall while a thin dagger was being run up and down my torso. Just hard enough to draw blood and sting.

The fae scum of a prince was watching me waiting for my face to contort in a wince. Sarah's voice helped me remain stoic. She distracted me from the pain and the ramblings of a mad traitor.

To be frank, I didn't hear a single thing that came out of his mouth. I'm glad for it. He seems to say the same things when he speaks. There was a brief moment I assumed he was brain washed or manipulated. That thought left when he also began to turn on the prince. He was escorted out of the room, but begrudgingly. My new theory is that he is aware of his betrayal and is in it for the power. What a shame, I liked the goblin version of him.

At this moment, Prince Scum is just sitting and staring, attempting to look intimidating. If i cared, would laugh at his attempt. He resembled one of those small hairy creatures from the human realm that I observed in female's bags.

Sarah is gone to prepare for breakfast, with the help of a lady's maid and a guard.
I imagine a servant will come to this room to clean my body, to create a brand new canvas for their next attempt to humiliate me. My power was back to normal and i could feel it growing slowly.

Before I was brought to the torture area, I came to the conclusion that my power is connected to Sarah. Her learning mindspeak and to communicate back to me in the dreamscape reaffirmed it.

Breakfast was going to be interesting.

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