13. False Alarms

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PLEASE READ A/N: AHH! Over 100 reads! Sorry. I'm freaking out for something so little but, like, for me it means a lot. I hope those of you reading 1) enjoy the story and 2) enjoy your stay in my new labyrinth. Please comment and let me know your opinions. What have been your favorite parts, what do you think of the characters, who from the movie would you like to make an appearance, LET ME KNOW!
*ehem* Thank you so much for reading one of my babies. I hope you stick with me through the journey!

Back to our regular program:

Once we stepped through the frame the key stopped burning and illuminating. The feeling in my stomach got worse when that happened. I'm not sure if this was the right way to go but it certainly was the way Nyx wanted us to go.

The goblin walked ahead of me, in case of any traps he said. I was more than willing to let him go first. I could make sure to watch him and be alert to when he needed something, like water or food or rest.

Being totally honest, he was a horrible mortal. He was used to not having to provide sustenance to his body. A habit that isn't helping his cause as of now. I tug on the waterbottle on the side of his backpack. He takes the hint.

A memory hits me as we walk, me wandering trying to find my way, pillars with faces surrounding me.

"False alarms!" I yell.

"What?" Jareth glances over his shoulder.

"This was where the false alarms were! I remember this area." I look around with partial fondness. "They were quite polite despite being absolutely annoying."

"Ah yes. You are right. Especially about them being annoying. I've moved them where they would be fine but out of the way."

We continued to move forward, and my mind played the memories of the false alarms and their faux warnings. I would tell Toby about them before bed, when my step-mother wasn't around. When he was about to do something that would get him in to trouble I would put on a deep voice and mimic the pillars. He would laugh and not follow through. While he was little we created our own form of communicating. It was precious. I enjoyed our time together, despite the fact that it would always end bad between his mother and I.

A thought exploded in my mind.
"What ever happened to the little worm? If I remember correctly, he was near the entrance of the Labyrinth." I ask the man in front of me.

"You mean the little creature that offered you tea?" He didn't stop walking.

"Yes! He was so sweet."

"He moved to a new crevice. He and his wife needed a bigger place to live."


"They produced offspring."

"Good for them! I never met the Missus but if she's anything like that mister worm, I'm sure she's lovely."

"You do realize that he prevented you from going the right way last time, right?" He glances over his shoulder at me and raised his eyebrow.

"Oh he didn't know better. He was still very polite."

"Yes, Yes. We may run in to your little creature friend."

"Oh good. I'd love to say hello."

We continued to walk in comfortable silence for a good while, before we reached an end with a door. On the walls were pictures of familiar creatures. They were four lion faces, two on each body, with the heads on each end.

"We should stop here and rest." Jareth said while shirking off his backpack.

"What? No we should keep going." Stubborn me. "I don't think it's a good idea to stop moving in here."

"You need to rest that ankle. You may not have noticed but you have been holding your breath when you walk on it."

I do that when I'm in pain. So he noticed. Oops.
"Really, though. I'm okay to walk."

"Sarah, we are resting. Sit down and lift your foot." He ordered me with such a tone, I did what he said. I wasn't happy about it, but I did it while glaring at him. I imagine that's the voice he used on his subjects when they resisted. I am not one of his subjects.

"Don't give me that look, love. I'm doing this for your own good." He chuckled while piling both our backpacks under my foot.

"We will rest for a bit then continue. Deal?" I compromised after got off my foot and realized how good it felt to rest it.


The comfortable silence resumed and my eyes were starting to close when he asked a question.
"How are you doing being back here?"

"What do you mean?" I answers him but kept my eyes closed and my head against the wall.

"Well... ehem... it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience for you, last time... I was wondering if you were having a tough time being back." I couldn't see him but he sounded uncomfortable having this conversation. I laughed.

"It wasn't a pleasant experience, your right. Thank you for acknowledging that, since it was your doing." I opened my eyes and looked at him and he looked away.

"Right, well, you seem to be doing fine. Glad I asked." He cleared his throat again trying to end the conversation but I wasn't having it.

"It wasn't all bad. I met some nice creatures here, and I felt like it did help me grow as a person. It definitely made me appreciate Toby more." I closed my eyes again in reminiscence. "Actually while I've been here, I've thought of Toby a lot. When I get home, I plan of getting back in touch with him. Like I said before, he and I never had a bad relationship. I've also wondered if we were going to run in to any other creatures friends from before."

"We may. Like you they have gotten older, so I wonder if you would recognize them."

"Well Didymus seemed old already..." I smiled thinking of that feisty, noble creature. "Wait. Wasn't this door one of the creatures I met, I mentioned them earlier? Wasn't there two doors?"

"Ah yes. There were two doors before I left, HE must have changed that." He glowered for a moment before continuing. "Regarding those creatures, they died. So I had these paintings placed here in memoriam."

"How thoughtful." I looked at the picture on the wall and frowned.
Who else isn't here anymore? How much have my little friends changed?

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