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Weeks have passed. We had no gigs due to the outbreak. Our comeback promotion has already finished so we can't join Music Shows.

That's messed up. I'm bored out of my mind. We have been practicing for this event that probably won't even push through due to the virus. I barely even talk to the guys anymore. They're all exhausted.

One day, our manager messaged in our groupchat.


pyul: shit.
guys... have you been practicing lately?

leader: Yes. What's the matter, sir?

Ugh so formal...

pyul: there's been a mix up. the event.

lc: whaaaaaaattt

2min: Is it cancelled?

is it? :you

pyul: no.


pyul: actually, only one of you is selected.

lc: please dont be me. 🤞😢

leader: What did we talk about? @ lc

lc: nvm..

pyul: the maknaes are the only ones joining.
            thats you @ w

2min: hahahaha

Fuck. I hate being alone.

pyul: will that be a problem @ w?
seen 7:40 pm

That's... disappointing. But anyway, it's an 'opportunity' like Myun-sik said. Jeez...

I got back to the dorm from the convenience store. Ate lunch there after practice. That seems to be the best I can have lately, without making too much contact with others.

When I stepped in the dorm, I was greeted by the loud sounds coming from the television. It was LC and Minseok playing a game.

"Could you turn that down? Anyone can hear it from outside. We can't risk getting kicked out." I said.

"Aww... Is someone sad that they're leaving the house?" LC joked.

What? Leave the house?

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you read the texts? You just seened Manager Pyul. Hahaha, serves him right." LC laughed.

I opened my phone. I realised the manager sent a bunch of more texts.


pyul: will that be a problem @ w ?
            @ w ?

leader: I think he's on the way home from practice.

pyul: ah... anyway for @ w
            this is a special program MAMA is hosting.
            you'll have to join the other maknaes in a
            special house for maybe.. 2 months? i think.

lc: how lucky... 🤣

2min: 😂 our dearest maknae is leaving our house

Assholes.. hahaha

leader: Isn't that too long? Are we disbanding?

lc: wat

pyul: nonono. he can still visit the dorm anytime, he
            just has to be with the other maknaes for the

2min: is this for a tv show?

pyul: yes.

lc: the kids gonna be a star 🤩 go @ w !!!

2min: yaaayyy get me their numbers 🥺🥺

leader: You can't date @ 2min

pyul: 👀 im watching you @ 2min

2min: right...

At least the hyungs are supportive..

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