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We wrapped up with our fuck session. Adrenaline still flowing through my body. I shot my load into her mouth which I never expected doing before I went into this damn house.

She spits it into an empty bottle on the side. "I didn't know someone could cum so much." She says, wiping off the excess slob on her lips.

I got off her chest and stepped unto the floor where I picked up the shirt we tossed away a while ago. I put it on her, pulling it to her sides as she adjusts it so that it wasn't tight on some spots. She wore her underwear and soon her bottoms.

Putting on my sweatpants and wearing my shirt, we both cleaned up our mess on the bed. We tidied the sheets neatly making it seem nothing took place.

As I walked towards the door to leave, Nagyung pulls me back and kisses me on the lips. "One last before we go." She smiles. She holds my hand before leading her way out the door.

Openly holding eachother's hand, the other girls stared as we walked down the hall towards the living room.

"Everyone! Come gather to the Living Room. I have an announcement." Nagyung shouts, standing both of us in front of the large couch.

Already in the living room were Wonyoung, Yiren, and Yuqi. Yuqi stares at us oddly, knowing what went on a while ago.

Soon followed Heejin, and Yuna. I was wondering what was this announcement that she was going to say. She waited till everyone was seated in front of us.

Once they were all settled, they all stared at our hands. Some reacted to it. "What the~ Are you-" They sounded rather excited.

She raises my hand up, proudly as she opens her mouth to utter her words.

"We just had sex!"

Nagyung shouts, a bright smile coming from her face. The audience did not have the same expression. I choked on my saliva, shocked by her sudden confession in front of the whole house.

"WHAT." "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" The other girls shouted right back. A rather different tone from before the announcement.

Wonyoung could be seen with her eyes wide open in shock as her mouth drops wide open. Yuna had a similar reaction too. Yiren hid under a pillow upon hearing the news. Yuqi just sat there, unsurprised. While Heejin stared at us blankly. A little gap opened in her mouth as she stares blankly at my chest.

Yiren could be seen looking at Heejin from across the couch, as if she knew something. Wait... Don't do that to me... I'm probably just overthinking. It can't be...

Heejin looks down at the ground. Obviously feeling unpleasant. She stands up from the couch and walks away without saying a word.

The stomps could be heard echoing in the hall. Yiren tosses her pillow to the side and walks away, giving me a side-eye as she passes me.

What... What is going on?!

Wonyoung looks at Yiren, feeling helpless as she just clings unto the pillow she tossed. "Why would you say that?!" Her muffled voice screams from behind the pillow.

"You guys are crazy."
Yuqi says.

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