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Let's just say.. This is the worst dinner I've had in years. Everyone lips were sealed shut. No one could say a word. Not even Nagyung who loved talking.

Two people was missing from the table. It's a normal occurence for someone to be missing. But that was when Yuqi had a separate schedule from us. So there being two people missing is... different.

Counting every person on the table and naming each one, the two mentioned are actually Yiren and Heejin. The other girls stared at Nagyung and I as we sat by the table together. Out of all the times to sit together, we did it now.

"Where's Yiren and Heejin...?" Yuqi asks the group, still giving Nagyung and I the side eye. You hear her emphasise Heejin's name, letting me hear ever single letter.

"She's in her room.. With Yiren.." Wonyoung answers. After she makes her statement, she drops her utensils on the plate and stands up, pushing her chair back with her legs. "I don't think I have an appetite tonight..." She says, before heading off.

Soon, Yuna followed too with the same reason. Leaving Nagyung, Yuqi and I at the table. We just all stared at the table as our food got cold from the air conditioning.

"Unnie." Nagyung says, breaking the silence between the three of us. Yuqi looks up to her, her eyebrows raising as she awaited for her follow up.

"Why didn't you stop us a while ago?" She asks. Bringing light to the moment she walked in on us during the morning.

Yuqi hesitates from answering, looking at her dish that was half empty. "I was once in your situation." She says. Intrigued by such a story, I listened closely to what she had to say without looking at neither of them.

"You guys are still in your prime. Wanting to explore things. And you don't really get to explore that often in this business." She says. Her lecture being actually interesting. It was like a senior-junior moment, even though Nagyung is technically her senior.

"I understand that you know.. You guys are curious. Who knows how long you haven't done it. I mean... I haven't even done it myself." She whispers with a smile her last sentence to Nagyung which I overheard from across the table.

Nagyung reacts in shock, the two ending up in laughter thinking that I didn't hear what Yuqi said.

"I'm really sorry you had to see that, noona." I butt into their mini gossip conversation. "Ohh- No! It's fine. I just found it shocking that.. you two ended up doing it." She says, pointing at Nagyung and I.

What does she mean?

"I'm sorry- What do you mean?" Nagyung asks.

"Oh.. It's just that.. I thought it would be with..." Yuqi observes the atmosphere of the table. Hesitating whether or not she should say her assumption.

Nagyung listens attentively, waiting for Yuqi to finish her sentence.

"Heejin." Yuqi says.

Fuck. I knew it. I wasn't overthinking.. Does Heejin like me? Does she?! I can't believe I- I- Oh my god. I immediately wanted to run into Heejin's room. But- Bu-

I dropped my spoon on the plate, making it rattle loudly. Nagyung ends up staring at me, suspicious as if something had gone on without her knowing.

"Why'd you drop it?" She asks. Her tone became so chilling in a matter of seconds. It felt like a horror movie suddenly. Her hand lands unto my other hand which was near her side. She grabs unto it. Not tight, but enough to spook me.

"Nothing. I just- It just slipped." I said.

Yuqi saw how scary Nagyung's eyes turned. I didn't know Nagyung had that in her. It was terrifying. I couldn't look at her in the eye.

She signalled me with her eyes, asking if this is normal with the slightest brow curl. I smile awkwardly, signalling that this was a first.

"OF COURSE- It was just an assumption! Hahaha!" Yuqi says, trying to divert Nagyung's attention. "Unnie. I have a question." Nagyung turns to her, her smile creeping up to her cheeks as she laid her chin on her bent hands.

Jesus. What have I gotten myself into?! Why is Nagyung acting like this?? Is she joking?? I'm not really good with these types of jokes.

"Hmm?" Yuqi asks with an awkward smile.

"Does Heejin have feelings for my Y/N?"

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