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A loud stutter spooked the room. All in unison, jumping slightly from their seats.

"Good evening, housemates."


The girls started chattering within their side of the room. It made me realise how distant I am from Jisung. He is a whole leg away from me.

"You all know why you're here.. Together." The manly voice says over the speakers.

We all looked around and just glanced at each other awkwardly. Once someone's eyes meet with mine, they immediately zoom past.

"As of now, nothing in the house is being recorded. You'll only be recorded during practice sessions and training with coaches." The voice says.

It feels like a survival program... But without the cameras and all..

"Please do know that you are not being monitored by any staff within the house. So please be rationale with any decisions made within the proximity."

This is kind of exciting. It feels like a gameshow. My first reality show!

Jisung looked kind of unpleased by the announcements he was making. I looked around and saw that the girls were somewhat intrigued by the whole scenario.

Maybe because he's a senior? He's probably used to all of this.. Just maybe.

"This is the first time in Korean National Television that we will be holding such a program. And you are the ones selected to be part of history."

This guy is really pumping me up. I completely forgot about my members by that moment. My worries were slowly drifting away the more he talked.

"Due to the pandemic, we will limit the physical contact with staff if necessary."

Damn. I already forgot about that.

"We will be texting any announcements regarding your stay and schedule in the house."

I don't have my phone though.

"Shortly, we will be sending you your room allocations. Have a good evening."


I looked at the members as I heard dings ringing from their phones. Jisung, who was right beside me, received his text.

"Sunba- I mean- Jisung, Can I see?" I asked. He nods. I leaned in to see his text.


unknown: Jisung, your room allocation is null.

null? He doesn't have a room? Did the automated message break or something?

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Actually.. I won't be here for long. We have a comeback next month and the company couldn't pull me out sooner. So I had to go here for a couple of days."

Wait? He's leaving?

"But.. Jisung. I'll be the only guy here if you leave."

"Look... Wolf- right? You've got a great opportunity here. Your company would benefit a lot from this."

Opportunities. Constantly hearing that word. I'm practically sick of it.


"No but. This is the biggest thing of the year. You can't put this all to waste."

He has a point. Why does he sound so much more wiser even if he's just a year older than me? I wish I had his mindset.

"Cheer up. Oh wait look- Someone's coming."

She walks towards us with her signature smile

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She walks towards us with her signature smile. Her smile is really contagious. The kind where her eyes squint and all of her teeth show.

She awkwardly scoots in over as she moves inches towards us.

"Hello~" She greets Jisung. She was just being formal seeing a senior from another big company. She barely gave me a look though. I feel so outshined by Jisung's presence.

I saw that the girls were pleased to see her too.

"Yuna, come here!" Nagyung calls for her from the other side of the room.

"Yes!" Yuna answers as she jogs to the group of girls, leaving Jisung and I.

The girls all bundled together as they started chit chatting.

I was, somewhat disappointed. And also embarrassed. I was really confident that she would converse with me longer. We haven't really caught up lately

Jisung stands up from the chair and walks towards the girls.

I was left on the chair to fend on my own. I felt like an outcast again. Even the only guy is leaving me..


Jisung says as he stands in front of me. "Let's go." He says.

I hesitated at first, feeling sorry for immediately thinking that he left me. I stood up and walked with him towards the girls.

"Oh hey!"

Well. I guess this isn't so bad at all.


HELLO. I'm sorry for the slow updates. The combination of Distance Learning and compiling of ideas for this story really made me lose track. This is a short chap, but the next ones will be longer. I promise 🤞

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