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It was Yiren from EVERGLOW

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It was Yiren from EVERGLOW. We were training together when I was in my teens before she left our company.

Even though I debuted before her, I've always felt like she was a senior due to her success.

"Oh, hello." I greeted her from across the room.

She stands up from her chair, and walks towards me. My back faced her chair so she stood right beside me as she looked at me.

"How are you?! We haven't talked for years!" She exclaims, as the artists prepped my face.

"I'm good." I said as they finished up with my makeup. I stood up and shook her hand.

Damn... I hate conversing with people I barely talked to. It feels like such a burden.

"Yiren, Y/N, we'll be live in five minutes!"
A staff member shouts from the door
before closingg it.

"Oh shit, let's get ready." Yiren says as she puts on her shoes.

I stand up from my chair, as she holds unto my forearm as she struggles to put her shoes on.

"Let's go." She says as she lets go from my arm before walking ahead of me towards the door.

What was that? Are we close?

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Yiren gestures me to go, snapping me out from my thought.

"O-okay." I said before heading out the door.

We got out of the dressing room, to be greeted by the loud preparation of the set. "EVERYONE, GET READY!" a staff member shouts.

We got up to the set, being greeted by the hosts, Hiyeon of EVERGLOW, along with Leeteuk and Kim Heechul from Super Junior, and Choi Sooyoung from SNSD.

I was so starstruck seeing the hosts from upclose, that I found myself bowing constantly. Yiren walks to her unnie, Hiyeon, greeting her cheerfully.

I was so intimidated by Leeteuk before, because he snubbed me during a music show. Maybe he didn't see me..

So it felt awkward seeing him once again. That was remedied by his lively greeting towards me as he shook my hand with a strong grasp. He pats my shoulder as he says hello.

Next to him was Heechul who was cheerful but refused to shake my hand. He just waved at me with a smile.

Then Sooyoung. I've never met her in person before. She was the main reason as to why I was so star struck.

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