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The movie in the background just played loudly as the two of just thought if ways to make each other laugh. She would make small gimmicks while I did mine.

We just laughed non-stop throughout the night. She sits up, moving away from my arm before turning to me.

"Wait.. Are you single?" She asks suddenly. Her face turned serious after all that laughing. I was really caught off-guard by the question.

"Wh- What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you know.. A lot of the other guys are secretly dating too." She says. Other guys? Does she mean the girls? Whaa-

"Well.. Are you?" She cuts my thought short.

"N-No." I answered. My tone was exaggerated making me look like I was lying.

"Sure you aren't..." She says with a sarcastic tone. I still couldn't wrap my head around the other girls dating. Who could they be?

"Well.. I guess that girl is pretty lucky." She pouts.

"What? Noona, no. I'm not dating anybody." I said, trying to defend myself with a serious tone.

She smiles from the reassurance and lays back into my arm. "That's good to hear." Before she wraps her arm around my waist. Her nose was touching my neck. This was... More touchier than I could bare.

The wind from her nose gazed down my neck, tickling me with each breath. Should I really be allowing this? This could really affect me in the future... What happens if we promote together..

Wait. Does she want to date?

My mind started filling up with thoughts that put butterflies in my stomach. "Noona. Do you want to date me?" I asked suddenly.

The winds the gusted down my neck stopped for a second. She lifts her head up from my neck and stares at me. Our eyes were just centimetres apart.

So close... The intimacy between the two of us was bursting through the roof.

"We'll see how this turns out." She says softly. She smiles at me before her head slowly moved towards my neck.

But she suddenly kisses my cheek. My whole body froze as her lips departed from the surface of my face. I stared blankly into the corner of the ceiling.

My body became extremely warm. At that moment, I could feel every flow of blood through my body.


"Shh. Don't say anything. I might kiss you on the lips if you will." Nagyung says.

My heart went crazy from those short words. The sound of her voice muffled by my neck... I never thought such words would make me feel such a way.

I felt faint. My body went limp just from that moment. I don't think I can bare any more.

But I was afraid of speaking. Who knows what she'll do next. This is too progressive...

I pulled up the blanket and covered the two of us by our necks. She adjusts her body so that her arms were comfortably wrapped around my body. I moved  to the side so that we could lay comfortably. Our bodies laid flat horizontally on the couch, along the long side of it.

I was surprised how the both of us fit in the longside of the couch.

I turned the TV off with the remote. The room was filled with silence once the ambient sounds of the TV went shut.

Now my thoughts were the only things speaking to me.

This feels so surreal..

Nagyung grabs on my waist tighter, turning me towards her. I can't believe how intimate we are already. We've only just met.

My hand didn't know where to go, since Nagyung's arm was right beneath it.

I placed my hand by her lower back. As my hand touched her back I heard a soft giggle coming from Nagyung.

"I didn't think you would hold me too." She says softly due to how quiet the room was. We didn't want the girls to hear our conversation.

"Goodnight." Nagyung says softly. Her whisper echoed through the room.

As my mind finally went into peace with the thought of just sleeping the night, Nagyung kisses my cheek one last time before snuggling into my chest.

Jeez. My heart is way too pumped to sleep..

Why is she so... Straight forward?

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