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Jesus, what has gotten into me? I pulled my scattered thoughts together. "I- I shouldn't have done that" I said, stepping away from Nagyung. Her finger touches her lips, feeling the mark of my lips I left behind.

"No.. I've been wanting to do that ever since I laid my eyes on you." Nagyung says. Her fingers graze upon the side of my face.

I muttered softly with no meaning. Unable to put my thoughts into words.

"Maybe we could also... Take it a step further?" She says, her finger flicking my bangs off my forehead.

Her hands soon cupped both sides of my face. Her orbs pierced through the back of my skull. "N-Noona." I Stuttered. Nagyung was getting closer and closer to me.

"...Just once?"

I- I- I.. FUCK! My mind is going through lewd thoughts. It was uncontrollable. Hearing her asking for it just made me want to do it even more. My hormones have been hitting the ceiling for so long because of this noona.

It's time to break the roof.

My face went visibly frustrated. My eyes shutting closed, trying to compose myself before I unleash my wrath.

"Does my baby want to... Fuck?" She whispers.

My eyes went open. Steam coming out of both sides of my eyesockets from the burning inside my pupils.

I held her by her bottom. Holding her off the surface, sliding towards the bottom bunk. She barely could keep herself together. We were both frantic, trying to figure out what to do while we did it.

Laying her on the bottom bunk, my nervous yet excited self bumps his head on the bottom of the top bunk. I groaned but didn't dwell on the pain any further.

Nagyung laid in between my legs as I struggled to move around under the cramped space of the bottom bunk. I took off my shirt, following hers. Once her shirt was off, she pulled me in to kiss. We didn't break our lips apart, as she held my tightly by the back of my head.

I pulled my pants down, tossing it to the side of the bed. Leaving me in my underwear. My stiffy was poking out due to the adrenaline.

Without hesitating, she grabs unto my clothed dong. Grasping it with all her might. I groaned from how tightly she held unto it. She soon lets go upon hearing me squirm.

Her waistline turned me on so badly. I kept looking down as I admired her figure.

"You sure like my body don't ya, baby?" She says. I don't even mind her calling me baby at this point. It just fuels me even more.

"Come here." I said, before pulling her closer to me. Now my dong laid on top of her clothed crotch.

She puts her legs up, her toes grabbing unto the bars of the bottom bunk. She pulls off her pants in the most obscure way possible. Now her legs were spread wide enough for me to lay myself in between them.

I can't believe we've gone to this point. After... One night.

She grabs my dong and rubs the head unto her clothed kitty. I took off her underwear swiftly, revealing a clean shaven persian.

Upon seeing the view, it outraged the dong of mine. I pulled it out of my boxer hole, revealing it for her to see.

"I don't know if that'll fit, baby." She says. I might finish early from all of this baby talk. I never expected such things to come out of her mouth.

"Let's see." I answered. "Be gentle." She adds. I nod before rubbing the tip on her opening. She moaned slightly as her lips engulfed the head of my dong.

Her squirm went softly louder and louder each inch I went in. By the time I was completely inside of her, her nails borrowed into her sheets. I guess being gentle wasn't enough.

Right as I put my hands up to the bed, by her waist. I prepared myself to start thrusting. Getting into position, she breathes for a second as I kneeled there like a recruit preparing for battle.

"Are you ready, noona?" I asked.

"Mhm." She answers with a nod. I grabbed her hands, our fingers locked together. The only support I had for my upper body was her hands and the way I sat.

Thrusting out, I could feel her sigh from relief. But thrusting back once again, her little squirm came out once again.

"B-baby." She moans softly.

This didn't help me at all. It made me just want to plow her then on. But I didn't want to hurt her. I think it's her first time. Shoot. It's my first too.

"I'll be gentle." I whispered.

Leaning in, I laid my chin on her shoulder. Her hands held me by the back of my shoulder in between my arms.

I slowly and progressively went inside and outside faster and faster. It got to the point where clapping sounds were clearly audible for anyone to hear from outside the door.

"B-baby! They might hear us.." Nagyung helds me by the waist, stopping me from clapping my crotch against hers.

But this would all soon go to a hault as we heard footsteps running up towards the door. It was too late for us to even hide.

Yuqi's face shows up in between the doors.


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