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I could feel Nagyung's hand graze against my thigh under the blanket. My leg instinctively moved  to her touch. It tickled.

"N-noona." I stuttered. I was scared to be frank. Is she in the right state to do this?

"Unnie, please stop. It's getting weird." Heejin says. She reacted in disgust as she cringed at the scene unfolding.

"What??? Don't tell me you guys don't want to touch him." Nagyung tried to defend her actions.

The girls didn't answer for a second, as if they hesitated. Do they? 

My body felt warm suddenly from the thought that the girls wanted to... touch me..?

"See? Tell me. When was the last time you were given the chance to touch a guy."

All the girls sat there in silence, displaying agreement to the points Nagyung laid out. It does make sense though. A lot of these girls have debuted early on. Some didn't even get to experience proper school I presume.

"Still. We shouldn't touch Y/N." Heejin says, her voice coming across from the side of my face. She speaks as if I wasn't there.

"Come on. Just give it a try!" Nagyung says. I didn't even allow her to touch me. Well... I didn't say she couldn't either.

Noona's hands were really grasping unto my thighs. It felt.. arousing.

Her hands soon traveled around my waist, later on grabbing me with her arms. She snuggled into my chest, causing my arm to raise trying to avoid touching her.

"WHA- Unnie!" Yuna shouts from the other couch.

"That's so weird." Wonyoung barely covers her eyes. I could see her pupils gaze at the two of us.

"If you don't like it, then leave!" Nagyung says. My hand was still raised in the air.

"Heejin, don't you want to get in this?"

Heejin? As in Heejin the girl sitting next to me? I felt my heart start to beat faster just from the thought of cuddling with Heejin. As if Nagyung's cuddle wasn't enough.

"I.. I think I'm good." Heejin declines the offer. She puts the remote from her lap to the couch before standing up. "I think I'll just go to bed." Heejin says before waving at the other girls goodbye. 

She avoids us. I felt helpless and called for her but it was too late. Heejin looked at us blankly for a second before heading down the hall.

"Yeah, I think I'm getting sleepy too." Yiren says before standing up from the couch. She pulls up Yuna before heading off. Wonyoung followed them shortly after, leaving the two of us alone. The TV still played on, lighting the dark room.

We just sat there quietly, waiting for the other to say something.



The two of us said at the exact same time. That was awkward. 

She holds unto the hand that was raised in the air and pulls it towards her. Now my arm was laid unto her shoulder. She fondled with my fingers, staring at them closely.

Her head suddenly slides down from my chest to my lap. I groaned from how close she was to my crotch. Luckily she didn't land on it.

"Noona, you're being too t-touchy." I stuttered like a little boy who felt helpless. She led me on with her sudden actions. 

"Your hand is really big." The girl completely disregarded what I said as she puts the hand close to her face. "How old are you again?" She asks suddenly.

"I'm... turning Nineteen." I said. 

"Wow. You're younger than I thought." The 21 year old says. 

She suddenly places my hand on her face. That was so out of the blue. Her muffled voice said, "It's bigger than my face!" She says.

What? She's pretty weird.

I laughed at her sudden move. She holds my hand and puts it away from her face. She smiles before laughing. 

"Guess that's your type of humour."

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