Chapter: 03 • We're Not Leaving You

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*Quick Important Note*

Recently in this story Colby and the guys have referred to Y/n and the girls as "Sluts" and I just want to MAKE IT VERY CLEAR that they would NEVER refer to girls in that way! This is all for the purpose of the story, it's characters and the plot! I love these goofballs to death and would never think of them using that word towards girls. I just thought I'd add this in because sometimes people like to get shit twisted and try to attack me for making them seem that way in the comments or Dms so with that being said, IF IT OFFENDS YOU, DON'T READ THE BOOK OR REPORT IT! This is why I put WARNINGS ON THE COVER! So for those who support the book, enjoy the story!

*Colby's POV*
*Seconds Later*
*Continuous Coughing*

The gang and I were basically left to die, no-one was around to help us escape and for a moment I actually thought this was the end and we were all going to die, Until...

???: "Colby! Sam! Guys! *Coughing* Y-You in there?!
Colby: "HELP!!

Just then, a familiar face came running in, it was my bestfriend Brennen Taylor!


Brennen: "Hang on guys! *coughing*

He pulled a pocket knife out from his back pocket and immediately started cutting at our ropes and the tape on our mouths as he then freed us all. We barely had enough energy to try an make it out of the building but some of us struggled...

*More Coughing*

Sam: "I-I can't do it!

Sam collapsed on the floor...

Sam: "G-Go without me! I-I'm to weak!



Brennen and I ran back to him, threw his arms around us and struggled to carried him outside but just as we were headed for the door, a piece of the ceiling caved in right in front of us, blocking our ONLY way out...

Colby: "We're gonna fucking die in here!
Sam: "FUCK!
Mike: "No we're not! We'll find a way out!


Corey: "W-WHAT DO WE DO?!
Jake: "I-I don't know!
Brennen: "Quick! Follow me, Hurry up!

We followed him and all rushed over the a nearby window as Corey wrapped a piece of his shirt around his fist and punched it only then breaking it as we then all helped eachother Climb through.

As soon as we escaped and got a safe distance from the warehouse, the WHOLE building collapsed and caved in as it poured thick, black smoke out. We heard sirens in the distances which seemed to be getting closer and closer. But to think that we had barely made it out alive and were so lucky that Brennen was nearby or else we probably would have gotten trapped and died.

*More Coughing*

Everything we had ever worked for together as a gang was now...gone...just like that. All our money, guns, drugs, clothes and belongings...were now nothing but ashes and burnt rubber and the only things that survived were us and our motorcycles...All because some ruthless sluts burnt it down out of "revenge"!

*Sirens Getting Louder And Finally Arriving*

As I stood there in disbelief at how I could even let this happen, I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder...

EMT: "Sir! SIR! Are you okay?!

I was in a daze but she snapped her fingers in my face...

EMT: "ARE YOU OKAY?! Can you hear me?!
Colby: "Y-Yea, sorry!
EMT: "Let's go! We're taking all of you to the hospital, especially you!

She pointed to Mike and walked over to him...

EMT: "Why don't you uh... explain to me what happened here?

We all got silent as he stuttered....

Mike: "Um...uh...I-I...
EMT: "You know what? That's okay, let's just get you to the hosptial immediately.

I wonder if he stuttered because he was debating on ratting them out or not but I mean...who knows?

*Sometime Later*

As the boys and I were waiting for Mike to get stitched up, I was waiting out in the hall and noticed a group of girls straight down the hallway. Once I got a good look, I noticed it was the "Pretty Little Roses" who had fuckin NO idea what they had coming after all the shit they did to us...

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