Chapter: 10 • She Deserved The World...

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*The Next Day*

As I arrived to the Pretty Little Roses warehouse, I walked in and was stopped by Xepher and Kat...

Xepher: "Oh god! I thought business between the Roses and Skulls were over?
Kat: "Yeah, What the hell are you doing here?

They both walked up to me...

Colby: "Relax! Business is over and I just came to check on Y/n.
Xepher: "Well that's too bad because she don't wanna see anyone.
Colby: "Not even you guys?

They both shook their heads "No"...

Kat: "I mean, You knew how close Devyn and her were...she's completely heartbroken.
Xepher: "...We all are.

I then happened to randomly look up a bit and see her looking down at me...I could tell she was in pain...

Colby: "...Hey

Without a word she turned and walked away as I looked back at the girls...

Colby: "Look, just give me 5 minutes! That's all I'm asking for! Please?

They looked at eachother and both rolled their eyes...

Kat: "Ugh! Fine!
Xepher: "But if she comes out screaming or yelling at you, we'll kick your ass! Got it?

I quickly nodded and ran off to where she headed.

*Y/n's POV*

As I gazed out the window, watching the cars pass by in the rain, I heard him walk in the room...

Y/n: "'s crazy because..if it weren't for her I wouldn't been her..she's the reason Pretty Little Roses is even a gang, she was the glue it all..she was my bestfriend..she was the shoulder I could always cry on...and she was there when you and I broke up after being together for 2 years...

I started tearing up...

Y/n: "..She had a heart made of gold and a smile that lit up the room whenever she walked in...she didn't deserve any of this...she deserved the world and everything in it...

I started crying...

Y/n: "..It'll never be the same without her! I'll never be able to talk to her again! I'll never be again to cry to her again! I'll never be able to feel her hugs again! AND ILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE HER AGAIN!

He rushed over and immediately hugged me as I cried in his arms...

Colby: "It's gonna be okay, I promise! She knows how much you love and miss her...she feels the same way! Even if she's not physically here, she's will ALWAYS be in your heart, by your side and watching over you!

I let go and looked up at him as I wiped my tears...

Colby: "I know it hurt me... you've seen what I've gone through when we were together...

I slowly shook my head as he talked and I continued to listen to what he had to say.

*A Few Minutes Later*

After finally getting myself together, I went back to looking out the window as he sat next to me and things got quiet as I then gazed at him...

Y/n: "...can I ask you a question?

He looked at me and shook his head "Yes"...

Y/n: "...Why are you still here after everything that's happened between us and our gangs?

He looked down at his rings and thought about it...

Colby: "Because I still love you...

Our eyes met again and for the first time in 2 felt like the whole world had stopped with both our lips only inches away from eachother...

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