Chapter 9

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It was maybe 7 am when the plan was put into action.
Auntie Lu, Max, and Macy brought us back to the orphanage with José as a special surprise. When we got there, we saw Mother waiting for us at the gate.

"Oh, I was so worried!" She said, giving us a hug.
She let go, then noticed José.
"Hi, Mother." He said with a small smile.
Mother walked to him and gave him a hug. "Nice to know you're okay." She said.

Mother thanked Auntie Lu, and we said our goodbyes as we walked back I to the house.
Everyone greeted us it's welcoming arms. Everyone, except Teejay.
I walked to him, and hugged him. He was immediately in tears.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, wiping his tears so no one would see him cry.
"It's okay, you had no other choice, did you?" I asked.

"No." He said. "I didn't."
"That's all I needed to hear." I said, letting go.

Later at lunch, Sam was asking me about Teejay. "Why would you forgive him after what he's done?" She asked. "He didn't have another choice, he said so." I answered. "And how can you trust him?" She asked. "Teejay doesn't lie. He's a terrible liar and a great secret keeper."

Sam scoffed. "That little stunt of his would beg to differ."
"Sam, give him a chance." Nelle said.
"Why are you always on her side?" Sam asked, annoyed.
"Because she's my friend, and I trust her." Nelle answered.
Sam let out a "hmph" and continued eating.

After lunch, we separated to continue the plan.
Alex and Nelle went to bring together the whole class in the garden so they could explain the fate of Jonas and everyone else.
Then, Sam and I went to talk to Teejay.
"You better be trustworthy this time." Sam said "threateningly".

Teejay didn't seem to be scared, after all, who would be scared of Sam?
She wasn't threatening or scary, even if she said she was.

"Trust me. Please." Teejay said.
"I do." I said. "And whether she likes it or not, Sam will have to as well."
Sam huffed.
"Now, Teejay, go to the garden and meet up with the others. I should go to José."
I said, then we parted ways.

I walked down the empty halls and ended up in front of José.

"Did you get it?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said, taking out a kitchen knife from deep in his pocket.
"Once again, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him.
"Yes. I have to do this." He said. "I want to make it up to my class by doing this for yours."
"How will doing something for my class make it up to yours?"
"They would've wanted me to do this for you."
"I guess... but are you sure we can't think of another plan?"
"We've already got this one. Let's stick with it, okay?"

José looked down at his side, then quickly shoved the knife in it.
He groaned in pain as blood leaked out of him.
Tears began forming in the corners of my eyes. I gave him a hug, standing on the side so the blood doesn't get on me. If it did, the plan would fail instantly.

I let go of him, then turned to the door and screamed.
"Help! Help! José just stabbed himself!"
Instantly I heard loud footsteps heading toward us. The door barbed open as Mother and some other teachers ran into the room.

They sat beside his body that laid on the floor. He bled quickly, and everyone looked worried and concerned.
"Why would he do this?" Teacher Zach asked.
"Out of revenge, most likely. He didn't want us to have the satisfaction of knowing we finally had him back." Teacher Marj explained.

Mother then turned to me. "Did you watch him do this?" She asked.
"No, I walked in and he was bleeding all over the floor." I replied.
"Sweetie, make sure no one else comes in. I don't want them seeing this." She said.

"Okay!" I said and ran out the door. I got to the garden, where everyone sat waiting for me, with a backpack filled with their few belongings.
"Here, Sari, I got your stuff." Nelle said, handing me my pink backpack.
"Thanks." I put it on my back, and together we all snuck out of the large house. As everyone ran out of the front and toward the gate, I looked back at the house.

There he was, bleeding on the floor for us. He would've done this for the class, and if only his class was alive to see what he did for us. I took one last glance at the house, then turned away to run with my friends.

The man at the gate saw us and called for backup through his walk-in-talkie. We ran to him, holding him down then stuffing him into the small bathroom next to his post. We blocked doorknob with a chair, then ran out the gate. Helicopters and trucks began appearing out of all directions, the front, the back, and above.

Police got down from the helicopters and trucks, surrounding us. We had nowhere to run, nowhere to go. They told us to surrender, and came closer and closer to us. One by one we were picked up by the soldiers. We struggled and were dropped after we realised biting would hurt them a lot.

We tried to push them away, but they were strong and tough.
Suddenly, a liquid started falling from the sky. Not like rain, and at first none of us knew where it was coming from. We looked up and saw, standing on the wall, was José, the knife still lodged in his side. He was pouring gas on the soldiers, he was able to carry two tanks from the kitchen. He was very healthy and strong from his lifestyle at Auntie Lu's.

"José! Thank you!" I said. He tried to aim carefully at only the soldiers, which was a little hard, since the tanks were made of metal, but the fact that they were all around us in a circle made it a little easier.

After he emptied the last tank he dropped them down on the soldiers' heads, making a bloody mess on the ground next to the wall. He then lit a match and threw it onto the ground, burning the soldiers alive. With the ones in front of us distracted, we pushed through them to escape the fire. We ran far from the orphanage, and I turned back to see José's leaking body fall into the growing fire.

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