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"Supreme Leader? I can't do that." Rey shook her head as she and Kylo walked along the brightly lit corridors on Snoke's ship. Their newly achieved titles sparked large quantities of weird looks and disapproval by the rest of the order, but Kylo seemed almost uplifted by his new succession, gliding almost god-like through the white halls, with Rey looking around curiously at everything.
"You can, Rey. Me and you," Kylo's eyes glistened as he spoke, "we can rule the galaxy better than Snoke did. Better than anyone. We can create order the way we want it to be." He smirked at Rey, who just stared at him and continued walking silently.

Kylo raised an eyebrow at her peculiar silence.
"We won't be doing any significant Supreme Leadership duties right now, that is. Our ship has undergone large quantities of damage, it will take a while before we plan anything." He looked at Rey sadly, and raked a hand through his dark hair, combing it out of his face in exasperation. Rey continued walking in silence, almost numbed by the sudden events. She wanted to sleep. She thought of her friends. She thought of Leia, and her hopes of bringing back Ben to her. Rey's back straightened up and took in a deep breath, her initiative coming back to her like a sudden wave of energy.

They reached the middle of the corridor when Kylo suddenly stopped and motioned for Rey to stop too; he tapped a few numbers into a keypad and a great white door opened to reveal a large bedroom. Rey peered inside with her head at the door, debating whether to go in but Kylo's gentle fingers on her back led her in with comfort and ease. As their footsteps echoed as they walked in, the harsh ceiling lights switched on to reveal a large room with a dark theme of black and grey. The walls were cold and grey, made from smooth stone, the floor made from the same stone but blanketed with a thin, scratchy rug. A large  square window stared back at Kylo and Rey, inviting them in to stare outside at the stars and the neighbouring planets, hues of purple, pink and blue illuminating space. A large bed was placed in the corner of the room, it's cold metal reflecting in the bright, white light burning from the ceiling. The covers of the bed were mahogany and thick, and the ivory mattress seemed fairly soft and inviting. A pile of books were sprawled messily on top of the pillows, to which Kylo hurriedly grabbed and threw under his bed.

Rey understood where she was. This was Kylo Ren's bedchamber.

Kylo looked at his messy, harsh looking bed and breathed in slowly. He could feel Rey's tension, her glare burning straight through him.
"Kylo, what am I doing here? I need someplace to sleep, it's been a long day." Rey didn't let go of the door.
Kylo looked down, avoiding her quizzical stare and instead fiddled around with straightening out his tunic.
"This will be your chamber, Rey. Temporarily. This chamber has the highest level of security. No one can harm you here."
Rey's eyes widened, she was about to protest when Kylo interrupted her, looking at her eyes and softening at her burrowed eyebrows, caught in protest.
"I won't be sleeping here. I'll...find some place else." And with that low voice, he began to retreat from his chamber, his head down in embarrassment but also exhaustion. He grasped the side of the door to close it when Rey took his hand abruptly and turned to face him.

"Thank you," her soft, tired voice called, "Kylo."
Kylo lifted his head to peer into her eyes, to which he saw the same exhaustion he had. His eyes drifted to her brown, torn clothing strap falling from her shoulder. His eyes softened at that as he remembered their fight together against the Praetorian Guards, and he tenderly held the strap and placed it back on her shoulder, his soft fingers swiftly stroking her skin. Kylo's eyes tiredly drifted from where his fingers were to Rey's face, and then down to her lips that parted in surprise. They looked so soft, beautiful in such a world of chaos and destruction.
"I'll send someone to bring you some clothes."

And with that soft, exhausted murmur, he left the room and shut the door behind him gently. Rey's feet were glued to the floor, as the place on her shoulder where he touched her grew hot. Rey blinked frantically, a wave of fatigue hitting her as she regarded his bed. It was large enough for the both of them. She wrapped herself in the blanket, which was warm and had his scent coated all over it, carrying strong hints of dusk and sandalwood. Rey looked around his cold, metallic room and let his scent and the wave of fatigue drift her to sleep.

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