Incident 7: Meeting a Devil

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Everly was dragged so fast that she was half flying in the air. The shrubs and bushes were thrashing onto her face. She had to spit out a few weirdly flavoured leaves from her mouth while continuing to scream at the top of her lungs.

Suddenly she was lifted high up in the sky, almost reaching the canopy before being harshly pulled towards the source of the vines. It was a six feet tall plant. Large purple leaves were swaying around it like arms. It's purplish-green body had a giant flower bud on top and Everly thought that she could see teeth protruding inside if it.

Holy shit!!! What is that?!!!


It seemed like the plant had listened to her thoughts and it opened its Bud which instantly turned into a mouth of a carnivorous plant, ready to bite on the food coming its way.

Everly's eyes widened and at that moment, time seemed to stop. On a whim, she placed her hand behind her back and pulled something out from her pockets. It was a pocket knife. She fiercely slashed it on the vines which snapped but the force still made her fall on the flower. She stepped on the mouth of the flower, shutting it close before lifting herself in the air and landing softly on the ground.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, after doing all those fancy moves that saved her life, Everly's legs trembled before she fell on the ground, her face pale as tears were almost spilling out of her eyes. She was only able to pull this off due to her naturally sharp reflexes and reaction time. If it weren't for that, she would be a mushed corpse by now.

Death. I was this close to you, do you understand?!

She took a few deep breathes and placed the pocket knife back before looking back at the carnivorous plant. It was staring right back at her. Her face fell as she quickly slid back on the grass, putting distance between them. At the same time, a dozen vines rose in the sky before coming straight at her. They were too fast and seemed to cut everything in its path.

It's over, Everly knew that she couldn't escape this time but the feeling of the impending doom rose despair in her heart. She didn't want to die again! She still had a lot she wanted to do in life. She gritted her teeth and shook her head.

No, it's not too late to do something. She stood up in determination and made a dash towards the thick trees. Her eyes were closed as she ran with all her might. Vines struck her sides before returning back but none were able to catch her.

At one point, the vines stopped coming after her. She finally stopped running and fell to the ground, panting and breathing heavily. Everly had never liked doing sports before, especially running but this world had made her run so much in one day that it was enough to make her not run for the rest of her life.

Everly felt something soft beneath her. She gradually opened her eyes and was met with a breath-taking scene. She had, for some reason, ran into a huge field of flowers. All of them had white petals which were glowing. They also had a lustre of purple mixed in, making the flowers extremely beautiful. Everly recognised the flowers. They were the same as the one she had tried to touch before but that one was not shining as brightly as the ones in front of her.

After the carnivorous plant incident, she had developed a deep apprehension for these flowers so she gazed at her surrounding, in search of other plants of that sort. As she looked around, she spotted a lone figure standing in the middle of the field. She stood there, stunned. The man wore a dark silver robe and his bright silver hair matched well with the flowers. He was gazing at the flower in his hands, deep in thought.

But what made Everly so stunned was the fact that the man was extremely gorgeous! If men can be as beautiful as women then he was a complete example of that. His white porcelain like skin was as white as milk and looked extremely smooth.

Everly wanted to call out to him, so she could ask him for a way back. She knew that she was lost and had no way contacting anybody but as she looked at him, she felt an evil presence coming from him. She had a feeling that the man was extremely dangerous, yet his beauty was a direct contrast to it.

Sensing the stare, the man turned his head, his pitch black eyes stared straight at her. Everly's breathe hitched. His black eyes seemed to look straight at her soul. It was as if she was looking in the eyes of a devil. The uncomfortable feeling rose once again in her heart. She felt a sudden impulse to just turn away and run.

In the face of this devilish person who could drive fear in a heart, Everly did something totally unexpected. She raised her hand and called out to him.

"Hey Big Bro over there! Can I ask you for some directions?" She calmly walked towards him as if the powerful suppression didn't affect her at all.


In reality, Everly felt that if a person looks dangerous, it doesn't necessarily mean that he will be dangerous. She was very proud of her thinking.

A flicker of surprise appeared in the devilish person's eyes. His aura suppression hadn't worked on this girl. How peculiar...

Everly walked as if nothing was wrong. Suddenly the man raised his arm and the flowers around him stopped glowing. Soon, all the flowers in the long stretched field had stopped glowing. It happened so suddenly that Everly was stunned on the spot.

Eh? Who turned the lights off?


The man looked at the girl who was standing confused at one place. She seemed liked an innocent rabbit who had walked into the trap of its predator but was still oblivious to it. He lifted his lips in a dangerous smirk as his pupils turned red. A faint reddish glow surrounded his hand and shot towards the Everly. It was extremely bright against the darkness of the night.

Everly felt something hot and shiny coming her way. It hit her before dispersing with a poof, leaving sparks in the air. Everly stood there, puzzled and unhurt. She frowned and turned towards the man.

Did he just hit me? Why? All I wanted was to ask for directions. He could've refused politely. There was no need to scare me with a fireball. How rude!


To think I even called him Big Bro?!

Everly wasn't the type to hold back her mouth so she gave him a piece of her mind.

"Excuse me fellow! Are you a performer? Why are throwing fake fireballs at me? I was being very polite to you earlier!"

Everly stood there as if she was ready to throw hands with him.

The man stood there expressionless but his face had darkened a few shades. It seemed to have multiplied the dangerous aura around him. His eyes glowed brighter as a huge fireball formed in his hands. She could feel the heat from where she stood. Something told her that this fireball wasn't a fake one. The man shook his hand and the fireball sped towards her at a very fast speed.

Everly steadied herself, ready to run once more but before she could move, a beam of black light came from behind her and clashed with the oncoming fireballs. A loud explosion followed which shook the ground, Everly almost lost her balance. The fireball was instantly destroyed as a cold voice spoke up from behind her.

"Are you making things difficult for me on purpose?"

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