Apparition 7: My Race?

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Liz came to the forest to do a school project with her classmates. These classmates who she saw as her 'friends' told her about a rare plant found in the forest. Liz was excited and suggested finding it. They forced her down a ledge to reach it but she got stuck and was unable to go back up. These 'friends' then left her there and made their way back to the academy.

Liz somehow made it back up and wanted to go back but without any map or location device, she got lost. Moreover, her magic stopped working. To make the matters worse, she got ambushed by bears and ran for her life. Liz was so scared that she didn't even realise that the bears had stopped chasing her at some point.

Finally, she reached the main road and waited for someone to pass. She saw their carriage and jumped out but unfortunately tripped and fell on her face.

Listening to Liz's pitiful tale, Everly sighed in her heart.
"Do you always get bullied like this?"

Liz nodded with tears in her eyes.
"I do. I was so happy when someone wanted me in their group for the project. Just wait till I go back to the academy, I'll complain to the warden!"

Even Henry and the coachman had felt sympathetic to this young lady after listening to her. Everly suddenly thought of something.

"Liz, I'm going to the Dragon Lake right now. Do you want to come with me? I can drop you at your school afterwards?"

Liz's eyes brightened after hearing that. She would have loved to stay longer with Everly. She nodded enthusiastically.

"I will. I will!" She lovingly grabbed her arm and gazed at her with shiny eyes. Everly couldn't help but laugh. She looked just like a little kitten seeking protection.

The carriage started to move but this time with one extra passenger.

"Big Sister Everly, Why are you going to the Dragon Lake? I haven't heard of someone going there at night. You won't be able to see anything."

"Well I-uh have some things to do there." Even she herself didn't knew for what reason she was supposed to go there.

"It's alright. I will accompany you! It's going to be so fun! I've heard that the Dragon Lake is very mysterious. Our academy told us that its geographical location makes this a place with the densest spirit energy in the whole forest. It's very good for spirit cultivation."

Everly listened to Liz attentively. After all she knew more about this world than herself. 

"I've heard from someone that monsters live in the lake. Is that true?" She asked remembering Jarin's words.

Liz jerked when she heard the term 'monsters'. The movement was noticed by Everly and it made her frown. She saw Liz's face going pale but just as she was about to ask whether she was okay, Henry's voice came from outside.

"We have reached the dragon lake!"

The carriage stopped and the girls looked out of the window. A wide stretch of blue met their eyes. It reflected the stars and the moon on the sky. They got off and walked towards the lake.

"So pretty..." Liz said in awe. Clearly she hadn't been to the Dragon Lake before and the view was indeed breathtaking. On the surface of the lake, countless Red lilies were floating. It gave the lake a devilish look. They looked just like scales on a dragon's skin.

Everly was also stunned. Not just because of the beauty but also because the view was very similar to the one she saw in her vision. She bent down and touched one of the water lilies. It shrank back due to the touch as if it was scared.

The flowers seem to be too alive...

Henry was on his guard. He kept looking around to make sure that no wild animal is around. He remembered that Jarin has given him strict instruction to protect Everly and not get her hurt in the slightest. He also knew about the rumours about this lake hence he was more vigilant.

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