Prom Part 2

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Okayyyy! Here's Part 2! So I have an idea. I think I'm gonna, or at least I kinda want to, make this a full story so if you liked it, let me know! Edit: this is Ben's suit but with a teal undershirt instead of white.

Top Floor
Ben's Dorm
9:00 AM
April 2nd

Ben's POV:
I woke up and remembered the previous day's events. Joshua betrayed Erica. Erica came and told me she liked me. I asked her to prom. She agreed. 

Damn that was a busy day.

I started to move when I realized Erica was, laying in bed next to me? With her arms around me? I then remembered that we had laid down and just talked and she fell asleep. So I'd tucked her in and laid down to sleep as well.

Oh boy is she in for a surprise when she wakes up. She is gonna kill me. Shoot.

I rubbed her back. She jumped.

"What the- where am I?" She asked groggily.

"Erica, please don't kill me. It's Ben. Last night you came in and told me about what happened. We were talking and you fell asleep. So I tucked you in and went to bed. I almost brought you to your room but didn't want to wake you up. So I let you sleep here. I hope that was okay?" She smiled.

"Thank you, and yes it was fine. I understand. Now, let's get ready for breakfast." I nodded and walked to the bathroom. I changed, brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair.

"Your turn." She giggled. 

"And how do you presume I do that? My clothes are in my room."

"Here. Just wear these for now." I handed her a t-shirt and some gray sweatpants. She smiled. She looked like she wanted to ask me something. "What's up?"

"Can I- wear one of your hoodies?" I smiled.

"How could I say no to my girlfriend?" She blushed and I smiled. "Grab whatever one you want." She hugged me and went to grab a sweatshirt. She came back wearing a green and blue one and a huge smile on her face. I laughed put my arm around her and took her hand as we walked to breakfast.

We were just talking and laughing when we walked into the lunchroom and right past Joshua. Erica looked upset like it still hurt to see the guy who treated her so poorly. And I'm sure it did. I squeezed her hand and smiled when she looked up at me.

"Just ignore him. If he so much as talks to you I'll beat him up." She giggled and I smiled.

"Hey loser!" We turned around and saw that it was Joshua who spoke. We kept walking. He followed. "That's my girlfriend! She needs me." Now Erica looked, pardon my language, pissed.

"I MOST CERTAINLY AM NOT. AND I DO NOT-" I looked at her. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"She is not your girlfriend. What about Emily?"

"She left me!"


"Erica is my girlfriend and I would appreciate it if you leave her alone.

"You treated her like she was nothing and could be replaced. But she is my everything and definitely can't be replaced. She is the most amazing girl I've ever met and she deserves way better than a jerk like you. And because of your stupidity, she is now my girlfriend and I will treat her like the amazing strong person she is. And I'm sorry if you can't see that. But the point is, she's not your anything. And she doesn't need anyone. The only reason she's letting me stand up for her is because she trusts me and is willing to let me defend her. But just know, she could defend herself just as well, if not better. She is my best friend and girlfriend and I suggest, for your sake, you leave us alone." She looked up at me and smiled. 

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