Shopping? No, Nightmare

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Okay sorry it took a while because I was almost done and realized it would be perfect as part of the college au, which is on the way. Probably expect it after LAG is done.

99th Store
CIA Supply Mall Thingy
8:30 PM

November 6th

Ben's POV:
I love Erica and Zoe, but we'd been at the mall since 7:00. And not PM. AM. It's been 13 hours of walking around collecting stuff. Mike and I are about ready to jump off a bridge. We finished in 2. We've been wandering around aimlessly carrying a ton of their stuff for 11 hours. 

We each had 2 backpacks and 4 huge duffel bags. Because of our recent success we were allowed to get whatever gear we wanted to help us on our future missions. The girls were really taking the 'whatever we wanted' to heart. They each have a backpack and 2 duffel bags. But that's only half their stuff. And they were still going.

I was stronger than Mike and definitely faster too, so he kept falling behind.

"Ben. Beeennn!" He groaned. "Wait for meee!"

"Sorry bro just TRYING TO KEEP UP WITH THESE PSYCHOS!" I yelled.

We both saw a bench and a water fountain not too far away. We got a burst of strength and ran. Straight into a picture on a wall. An ad for what they were working on adding. 

"I SWEAR TO GOD!" Mike yelled.

I punched the wall.

"AGHHHHHHHH! CAN WE PLEASE BE DONE NOW!?!" I demanded, holding my fist.

They turned and giggled. 

"You two aren't very patient." Zoe laughed.

"NOT PATIENT!?!" He screamed.

"It's not been that long." Erica said calmly.

"Oh really? Hm I guess you're ABSOLUTELY WRONG!?!" I shouted.

"It's been a few hours boys, calm down."



"Eleven?" Zoe asked.


"Well okay then. Thank you for being patient. One last place." Erica said with a smirk.

"Noooooo!" We howled.

"Kidding. Let's go."


"Thank you!"

We took the bags and walked out.

"Next time, we're taking separate cars so the two of us can leave when we're done instead of being your pack mules." I joked.

"Preach bro."

The girls laughed.

We got to the car and opened the trunk. We threw the bags in and hopped in the car. Mike got in the driver's seat and Zoe next to him so me and Erica hopped into the back.

"Sorry boys, we didn't know it was that long." Erica said. 

"It's fine." I said with a kiss to her forehead.

She blushed and froze. 

"Oh come on E. You know I love you."

"I do."

"So then why do you freeze whenever I so much as touch or kiss you? I'm not gonna hurt you. I could never."

"I know."

"That didn't answer my question."

"I know." She smirked. 

She leaned in and stared into my eyes before kissing me and running her hands through my hair as she did so. She pulled away slowly, but stayed inches apart.

"Does that?"

"Not really."

I kissed her again and put my hands on the side of her face. But instead of freezing, she deepened the kiss.

"But that does."

"I see." She said with a playful smile.

"Did you only freeze because you like me and didn't know how to tell me?"


"Oh." I said sadly.

"Because I love you and didn't know how to tell you." She corrected with a smirk.

"Well then, you don't need to worry about that anymore, seeing as you just did."

"I did, didn't I?" She realized.


We both spun around to look and saw Mike and Zoe both watching us intently, literally holding popcorn. Like what? Where did they get popcorn?

"Yes?" I asked.

"If you two are done, we're here."

"Oh." Erica said shyly, blushing.

"2 questions though, how much did you see, and where did you get popcorn from?" I asked.

"All of it." Zoe said with a grin.

"And we bought some while you two were 'talking' back there."

"You had time to buy popcorn?"

"Mmhm." Zoe said matter of factly.

"Well okay then."

Okay so this was supposed to be more funny than romantic but we all know I'm just winging it so hope you liked it.

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