Please Don't Go

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This one is dedicated to all my followers who keep commenting on my announcements words of encouragement. All the chapters I will write today are.

To: @ABBBHGFHFFUGZGU, @Agent_Jaydenx, @AsianRebelLeader, @LostBlazeR, @VarchasianKookie, @GamebagGame, @Raythecollas,  @bobthe1234, @kid_of_Neptune, @Oliv3rplayz, @caekyiie, @ItsAyden, @lolcoolname, and @BiswaffleBoi.

Thank you guys so much. Telling me not to stress. To take my time. Not to worry about it. That it was okay. That you could wait. You guys really helped me calm down and stop stressing so I was even able to get my work done and do this. Thank you.

Spy School
5:00 PM
July 18th

Ben's POV:
I was extremely sad to see her go. But I knew she couldn't stay. It was time for her to move on. She was too good to stay here any longer. 

Now I know what you're thinking. 'Are you serious? Is this gonna be a sad oneshot Ben?'


But not really.

Now I'm sure you're wondering what I'm talking about and maybe even who.

Who is the amazing Erica Hale.

The what isn't that she died. 

Or left me.



I know it doesn't sound that bad to you, but trust me. It's really bad to me.

She's 2 years older than me. Meaning I might not see her a lot for a couple years. 

Maybe never.

Now I know I probably sound really petty, but let me explain.

I love Erica.

I trust Erica.

But I know she needs to go.

She's already been here too long.

She's going to go out and save the world.

But she has to leave.

I know she has to go.

I don't want to hold her back. 

But I sure as hell am gonna miss her.

We were just friends, but best friends. Ever since we went to England she's been nice and human again. I still really like her but I never got the courage to ask her.

I knocked on her door. She opened it and we started walking to the auditorium. 

"Hey Ben. You okay?"

"Something like that."


"It's- nothing."

"It's clearly not but we really got to go." 


"We're going to finish this conversation later though."


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