Reversed Preview Part 3

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Okay, last part, and here's where their emotions are all messed up and switched. And also there is still one more part for this preview tee hee whoopsies.

The Mess
Spy School
6:30 PM

January 12th

Erica's POV:
What Ben said kinda hurt to be honest. I know I wasn't super friendly and open, but that didn't mean I didn't want to. I just didn't allow myself to. I never want to be broken like that again, so I'm just taking precautions.

Now I'm sure you're all wondering why I kissed him. Twice. And honestly, so am I. But let me take you back so you can understand what went through my head.


"Yo that last mission was awesome! You disarmed a Russian bomb while hanging in the air! And You're a spy! And your friends are too! And I am too now!" Mike yelled excitedly.

I remembered it well. Especially the ending. When I thought Ben and I were going to die while disarming a bomb, I'd... kissed him. I didn't know what came over me. But I kissed him.

And as much as I hated to say it, part of me was glad I did. Part of me regretted it very much. But I was still partly glad I did. Which did nothing but confuse me.

"Pretty cool huh bud?"

"It's AWESOME! I knew you weren't telling me something but I didn't know it was a matter of national security!" 

But Ben was no longer focusing on them, because he was focusing on me. I heard them talking as I walked in and sat at my usual table alone. I knew he was looking at me, but I completely ignored him. I knew he was hoping I'd glance over, but I didn't.

He had a huge crush on me and the kiss was just too much for me so I'd been avoiding him. More than normal. But he still tried anyways. Which proved to make it more challenging for me. Especially since I kind of liked him back.

"BEN!" Zoe yelled at him.

"Huh? Oh uh hey." He tried to recover from his dazed state.

"Hey? Ben you've been staring off into space for like 10 minutes." Jawa laughed.

"No I haven't."

"True. A few minutes was into space, the rest was at her." Chip poked.

They all looked at me and I made sure not to look.

"Ha. Ha. You're very funny Chip."

"What happened between you and Ice Queen on the mission?" Zoe asked, clearly jealous.

I froze.

"Nothing. Why would you think something happened. Nothing happened. Someone else talk please." He stuttered quickly.

Note to self: Help Ben lie better. I thought sarcastically.

"Well she seems like she's distancing, as usual, but a lot more, and especially towards you in particular. I mean she hasn't said a word to you or even looked in your direction." 

"Thanks for reminding me. I totally wasn't upset about it already. And I had nooo idea." 

"He's right Ben."

"That was a lot of resistance bud. You wouldn't have been so resistant had there been nothing to hide. What happened?" Mike smirked knowingly.

I closed my eyes. I really had to help him lie better.

"I'm not allowed to say. Erica said she'd kill me if anyone found out."

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