Reversed Preview Part 2

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Bc it was so long originally, I cut it and made it 2 parts.

The Mess
Spy School
6:30 PM

January 12th

Ben's POV:
I jogged towards her.

"Erica! Wait up!"

"Why would I do that?" She asked, trying to sound emotionless. But I heard the sadness.

"I wanna talk to you."

"That's your reasoning? Who says I wanna talk to you? Because I really don't right now." She sniffed.

"No I wasn't giving you the reason, and I didn't say anything about giving you a choice on whether or not you wanna talk to me. I think you should come sit with us at lunch sometime. Or maybe even talk to me, given you hadn't even looked my way since you kissed me. The first time that is."

"I told you, that didn't mean anything. I didn't want you to die terrified. I also said to never-"

"Tell anyone, and I didn't mean to. I swear. But... you never said I couldn't talk to you about it. And a few things. One, it did mean something, to me at least, both times, and you and I know it. Second, you would have died too. Why would you spend your last seconds kissing me if you didn't like me?"

"Because I... care... about you."

"That's like the same thing."

"No because you're... like a brother to me." She winced a little as she said it and I knew she was lying.

"Okay owch, and also does this look like Alabama?"

"No? Why?"

"Nevermind. Point being, I like you and I know you like me at least a little. And me being a brother to you is a load of bs."

"No it's not."

"Okay, fine. Why would you kiss me, twice? Or why would you be jealous of someone who hugged your 'brother,' even when it was simply a friendly one?"

She froze and I caught up to her.

"I wasn't jealous of Jessica." She said too quickly.

"See but how'd you know that's who I meant? I've hugged a decent amount of girls."

"Not true."

"Zoe, Jessica, Sophie, Ashley, Tara, Katie, Parker, you-" She was trying her best to hide her jealousy, but I was looking for it and saw right through her act.

"I get the idea."

"Plus, I heard you talking to Zoe about it."

"But that was on the-"

"Ski lift, where I was a full cart away? Correct. But I'm a spy. It's my job to know things Erica."

"You're getting awfully gutsy Mr. Tough Guy."

"Actually the name's Ripley. I know a good way to help you remember. Just make it yours." I winked.

She rolled her eyes.

"Reeeal smooth."

"Maybe, maybe not, but I've got your attention and I'm not dead right? Therefore it's all working."

"How'd you hear it then?"

"A magician never reveals his secre-" I was cut off by her pinning me against the wall with her hand holding my throat.

"Tell me now." She said harshly.

"Well since you asked so nicely-"

"Now or I cut your throat." She said pressing a switchblade lightly against my throat.

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