Reversed Preview

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Ben and Erica are at Spy School one day normally, (It's just after Spy Ski School, but if it happened when Ben was 15, and if Erica just turned 16 so she's only like a half a year older. None of this for dirty reasons, It's just always harder to have relationships that last when you're 13 or 14 and it's more awkward, especially with their age gap. So, Ben is more muscular and 3 inches taller than her now, and the rest of the details I'll leave mostly to your imagination. But anyways, I really like the ending to that book and think it would be cool to write this after that, etc.) when they get into a pretty heated argument. The next day they both wake up, and their personalities have completely switched. He is icy and cold no matter how hard he tries to be nice, and she can't avoid being nice and honest. Can they figure out how to undo it, or will it become permanent? There will be some dirty jokes in this, so read at your own risk lol, kidding, they're not that that bad. Read as they both learn why the other person acts they way they do and their friendship is greatly strengthened, maybe even blossoming into something more ;) Anyways I'll shut up, and here's the chapter. Hope ya enjoy!

The Mess
Spy School
6:30 PM

January 12th

Ben's POV:
"Yo that last mission was awesome! You disarmed a Russian bomb while hanging in the air! And You're a spy! And your friends are too! And I am too now!" Mike yelled excitedly. 

My other best friends Zoe, Jawa, and Chip were all sitting with us laughing at how excited he still was.

He had just been recruited after Operation Snow Bunny in Vail, which ended a little under 2 weeks ago, though Mike was excited as ever.

"Pretty cool huh bud?" 

"It's AWESOME! I knew you weren't telling me something but I didn't know it was a matter of national security!" He kept talking but I was no longer paying attention to him, as rude as it sounds. 

I was paying attention to her. 

I was sitting at dinner with my best friends talking when Erica Hale walked in. 

She was the most beautiful, talented, and dangerous girl I know, possibly to exist. Now when normal people say a girl's dangerous, they mean she might rip your heart out emotionally or whatever, but her? It meant deadly dangerous. Like she'd actually cut your heart out and kill you if you gave her a reason to. Or she'd shoot you, blow you up with a bomb, beat you up so bad you lost blood or couldn't breathe and died, etc. Long story short, she's dangerous dangerous. 

She, and my friends and I, are all spies in training at the Academy of Espionage, or Spy School. So we knew all kinds of literally dangerous things like how to shoot or throw. Her, with perfect aim, regardless the weapon. She was a legacy. We were all pretty good, but she was literally legendary and super amazing. 

She walked in the same as always, and I stared in awe and wished she'd actually spend time with us, more specifically me, more than just when required on missions, instead of icing us out and acting like we didn't exist. As you may have guessed, I had a huge crush on the girl. And while she paid no attention, I knew she knew I liked her, and she knew I knew she knew, etc. 

While she was an amazing spy, she wasn't exactly what most people, or anyone, would call 'friendly.' I've met ice sculptures warmer than her.

Speaking of ice, her nickname from Zoe is literally 'Ice Queen.'

She'd liked a guy named Joshua Hallal and they'd been friends, sorta kinda, (Not that it really matters but he kinda liked her too). In her 2nd year, he'd died in an explosion caused by Spyder, the evilest organization I'd encountered, (also kinda the only but whatever). We found out last June that he hadn't died, but switched and joined Spyder.

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