•chapter three•

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"Want one?" Opal offers her vape to me.

I shake my head refusing it and she shrugs. She looks around at the trees while smoking. Sorta ironic.

"So Lady? Is that your real name?" The girl with pink hair asks.

"No it's a nickname," I respond.

"For what?" She asks with curiosity sparkling in her baby blue eyes.

"Ladybug. That's also a nickname but my real name is Violet."

"That's a gorgeous name! Why don't you use it?" She ponders.

"I have been called Ladybug since I can remember so I just stuck with it." I shrug.

"Do you mind being called Violet? Because if you don't I'm gonna call you V! Cute ain't it? It gotta a little ring." She smiles ear to ear proud that she came up with it.

"Yeah that's fine, are you from here?"

"No! Could you tell by my accent? I'm from Tennessee. Pretty place! I love it there but we
moved her for work, so." She picks at her nails. looking down.

"what's your name?" I ask the pink haired girl.

"Oh sorry! My names Lili. Oh my, Lily and Violet! We're like a bouquet!" She giggles.

She practically radiates off happy and fun energy, that puts a smile on my face.

"Although, my name isn't spelled like the flower is spelled l-i-l-i." She explains.

"So what are you guys skipping?" Jamie asks changing the subject.

"English." Opal answers shortly.

"Science! I don't understand a damn thing!" Lili huffs out. "Y'all?"

"Math. Pre-cal test." Jamie grunts picking up a pebble.

"We have a test! I might skip twice today." Opal breathes out.

"We have a sub." I add.

At those words Opals face lights up with mischief.

"Never mind!" She smiles and goes back to smoking.

"So Violet- Why are you skipping? Is it just because Jamie is here? Or are you too scared to say no." Opal eyes me up and down.

"No I just didn't want to take the test." I reply honestly.

"I just wouldn't have expected a girl who looks like you to skip."

"A bunch of people don't assume that. That's why it's easier to skip." I say looking straight into her eyes.

From my reply she becomes a little more nicer, and we continue to talk until the period is over.

"What class do you have next?" Jamie asks once we return back into the building.

"History." I say looking at the swarm of students walking up the crowded stairs.

"Oh. I have Art so I have to go this way." She says pointing to the left side of the hallway.

"I'll text you tonight." I say parting ways to go the right side.

Making my way through the students to the stairs is easier said than done. My body dragged its way to the dreadful history class.

I went inside and sat lazily in my chair.

"Hey babe."


Violet Where stories live. Discover now