•chapter seven•

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Class flew by and before I knew it, it was lunch time!

I have to buy my lunch since I didn't have any time this morning to make it. I wait in the line impatiently and look around.

"Hey lady! Or do you want to be called V?!" Jamie practically screams in my ear behind me.

I jump at her loud voice and turn to see her laughing.

"You scared me Jamie!" I groan, rearranging my tray since my juice box fell.

"SO V, guess what!!!" She asks testing out the new nickname Lili came up with.

"hm?" I hum in a questioning tone as a response while moving along in the lunch line.

"I spotting a cute guy for you!"

"Jamie what did I say. I don't need anyone." I say smiling up at her. "Not right now with college and the many prospects-"

"blah blah- I don't know, but look!" She interrupts and points to a boy I have English with.

"Jamie no. I have him in English and he farts a whole bunch." I scrunch my nose, a little disgusted.

"oh." She slumps. "Oh look, I found another cutie but I like him!" She nudges my elbow and perks back up.

As soon as I punch my number in I look up to see the 'cutie' Jamie was talking about.


"You like Grey?" I spin around.

"Shhh! How do you know his name? He's new." She whispers.

"He is my neighbor." I say annoyed.

Last night didn't exactly give me the best impression of him.

He cusses too much, and come to think of it he didn't even say thank you after I kindly helped him. Oh the manners that boy doesn't have!

"I'll have you know, he has a very dirty mouth and no manners!" I say, hoping she will reconsider her feelings about him.

"hot." She practically drools.

I drag her to a table and was surprised when Lili decided to join us. Opal followed in suit, which surprised me even more.

"Hey girlies!" Lili smiled.

I don't think there is a bad bone- or sad bone for that matter in this girl!

"Hi!" I greet back happily.

"What's Jamie daydreaming about?" Opal asks, as she picks at her fries.

"Grey, the new guy." I shrug with an eye-roll.

"He is so dreamy." Jamie manages to say in her trance.

"Oh I heard about that Grey kid. He is hot." Lili adds.

"Get over yourselves!" Opal scoffs with an attitude.

She picks at her french fries and looks over at Lili with an odd look in her eyes I can't quite decipher.

"So! Are any of you guys doing anything this weekend?" I ask trying to spark some conversation that's doesn't involve Grey in it.

"Wait Grey lives in your neighborhood, so I'll be at your house!" Jamie basically drools all over the table at the thought of her plan.

"V! Can I come!?" Lili asks.

"Sure I guess all of you guys can come over." I smile up at everyone.

I guess Grey is really doing a number on these girls. Wait till they see the real Grey. The mean Grey.


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