While the adults are talking, Grey grabs my wrist and drags me to my room.
"W-What are you doing!" I laugh, while trying to keep up with his long legged pace.
He closes the door to my room behind me and traps me against it. Without hesitation his lips capture mine. Sparks ignite and he moves his hand to my hair. I move mine to his waist. I feel nothing but muscle.
"hm- wh" I try to say in between kisses. "What-"
"Shhh. Don't talk." He says quickly.
I bring my hands up to as far as I can get before he has to bend down further. I drown my hands in his ocean of a hair and earn a groan of appreciation. I smile against his lips and he slips is tongue in earning a loud moan from me. Too loud.
I push away slightly and he doesn't notice. Pushing harder he gets off quickly and looks at me like he's in trouble or something.
"Um-" I push my now messy hair back. "My par- parents are down stairs and you know. Your family." I smile shyly.
"You're so fucking cute." He says, completely ignoring me.
"Stop it, I'm serious." I give my serious look.
"Violet it's-"
"Let's go talk to them." I smile and grab his hand.
He creases his eyebrows and looks down at the floor. "I don't want to."
"Are you okay?" I ask. Yes, Grey is normally antisocial, but not around his own family. Especially because he knows tonight is important. He needs to leave a good impression on my dad.
"What?" He asks, caught off guard.
"It's just- you never just bring me to my room and- um- kiss me- like that. I just- I don't know." I scratch my head awkwardly. "It just all happened so fast. So is everything okay?"
"I'm fine." His lip curls for a second giving a reassuring feeling but his eyes give it all away.
"No you're not. What's wrong?" I look deeply between his eyes.
"It's nothing." He shrugs.
I bring my hands to his broad shoulders and look squarely at him. "Tell me." I demand. Wow I sound like Grey!
He runs his hand through his hair and huffs. "I'm moving after the summer." He looks away from me.
"Of course, for college right?" I ask.
"Not exactly." He says simply.
"Your whole family is moving?"
"Wh-What I'm sorta confused here. Can you help me out Grey?" I awkwardly laugh. I hate this feeling. Like the unknown is something I'm not going to like.
"It's complicated. I just want to spend all my time with you while I still have it."
"What are you talking about? I can visit you in college silly! And plus it's only November." I say looking at Grey like he's dramatic drama queen.
"J-Just if anything happens." He replies seriously.
"What?" I'm beyond confused at this point.
"Let's go down stairs." He shakes his head and grabs my hand.
"Wait! We're not done. Last guess... are you moving in with your dad?"
He looks to the side and tilts his head up slightly giving me my answer. His eyes shift everywhere but my face. Dead giveaway.
"You are." I confirm while nodding my head. "B-But he hit you!" My mind goes back to the treehouse. Trying to recall the entire conversation, I put two and two together. "His business! Is that what you're moving back for?"
"They're probably looking for us let's-" Grey tries to ignore me.
"What's so important that you have to move back to him for? I get it's for business, but you don't have to run it if you don't want to. Right?"
"That's the thing. I have no choice." He says lowly.
"Well what kind of business is this!"
"Violet can we just not talk about this." He asks with a little aggravation.
Caving in, I decide spending Thanksgiving fighting isn't the way to go. "Yeah. Sure." I mumble, getting out before him.
He follows me and we walk down stairs to the dinning table. It's awkward and tense, we eat our food in silence and speak minimally.

Romance•1• His tongue slips in and I get caught off guard. Woah buddy! I push back slightly and he let's go and looks into my eyes. "what?" he asks confused. No trace of anger, but instead- confusion. "Sorry." I pant out. "I just. We're friends." I say...