•chapter forty three•

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Grey demanded that I come home and I obliged. Only because I was getting tired. Looking out the window, no one was on the road.

Go figure as it's two in the morning.

I look up at the sky to see if I can see any stars and the moon. Particularly the moon. Today it seems bigger. Brighter.


He swerves a little driving.

"The moon is a super moon tonight!" I exclaim.


"So! It's bigger and brighter, and in my opinion prettier." I look at him. His bored expression makes me roll my eyes.

"Pull over." I announce, hatching a plan.

"What?" He asks confused.

"I said pull over." I try to use Grey's demanding techniques in the mix. A mix of a sharper tone and more enhanced and enunciated words. 


"please." I beg with puppy eyes.

Pulling over in an empty parking lot of a school he looks at me confused. I jump out the car and  motion for him to get out. I lay flat on the asphalt and inhale the fall air. Grey sits next to me and looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Look." I point to the moon.

"Ok?" He sighs and looks up. 

"You have to see the beauty in it. It's so- so mythical."

"Mythical?" He turns towards me.

"Yes! You know werewolves look up to it and there's a tale of a man on the moon, or that it's made out of cheese." I smile.

"Werewolves aren't re-"

"And I just don't think we appreciate the moon as much as we should." I interrupt Grey.

"You are so strange." Grey looks deeply into my eyes.

"It controls the tides." I say lowly. I get on my elbows and look at him. "It orbits around us."
I say getting closer.

He grabs the side of my face lightly and kisses it softly. Breaking apart, I smile at him.

"You are so interesting. I don't know how I got so lucky to have meet such an incredible person like you." He says making me melt and feel all gooey. Both of which make me un-able to speak.

"G-Grey. You just bring the best in me." I shyly smile.

"Let's get you home." He says, pulling me up.

Deciding to go against him I grab his face and press my lips. I bite his lower lip feeling adventurous and move to place my hands on his chest.

"Let's go." I whisper and go to the car.

Siting in the passenger seat I see a dazed face Grey come over.

He drives and places a hand on my thigh making me feel all warm. He drops me off and I decide not to wake my parents by going to my tree house.

"See ya." I smile and head towards the woods.

My feet crunch along to my tree house. I go up my ladder and crash on my bed. I look up and replay the kiss Grey and I had over and over until I fall asleep.


fun fact: this is my fav chapter :p (mostly bc it's so much like me w the moon shtuff)

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