One o'clock rolls around and I make my way to the treehouse.
I'm wearing leggings a white crop top and a big orange flannel. My sneakers are on too since we will be walking.
I make my way to the tree house and climb up, fully expecting an empty treehouse, but to my surprise Grey is already there!
He's wearing shorts and an athletic shirt and I think I might faint.
"Hey." He greets looking at my pants. "What are those?"
"leggings." I say looking down and stretching the material in my hand.
"I like them." He compliments.
"Let's go to the waterfall!" I beam jumping up and down.
I slide down the slide and Grey doesn't quite fit so he jumps off. "Grey! You could've broken your legs!"
"I'm good." He says gruffly and shakes his legs out.
I lead the way and tread into the woods. The crunching under my feet makes me smile and I make little beats while walking in my head.
Grey doesn't talk much so I tell him all the stories I can. I tell him about the squirrel that I once made friends with. I tell him about the bird that wakes me up in the morning by the treehouse. I tell him about the owl and his friends having deep conversations in the middle of the night and how they have some drama from the sounds of it.
"I mean animals must have drama like humans do right?" I ask Grey.
"Right." Grey agrees with me the fifth time since I've started my ramble.
"I'm glad I can talk to you." I turn around and smile up at him. He looks down at me smiling a lipped smile.
"Use your teeth." I stand on my tip toes. I try to reach up to his mouth but he's too tall.
"kneel please." I beg.
He does so and I take this as my chance. I spread my fingers on his lip and try to recreate a smile with his mouth.
"What are you doing." Grey asks confused.
"Trying to make you smile." I say biting my lip in concentration.
Grey softly grabs my hands and brings them down while he stands up.
"I'll get one out of you!" I use a glare against him.
"ok." He says with a playfully voice.
"Come on!" I grab his wrist.
We walk further and start to hear water trickling.
"We are close!" I start to skip.
Finally we make it and a beautiful waterfall with a big slow stream is shown.
"let's get in." Grey says devilishly.
"Are you kidding! It's freezing." The entire walk I've been shivering.
"It feels nice." He as he kneels to feel the water.
His long, large fingers dip in to the water and he starts to take his shirt off.
"W-What are you doing!"
"Getting in." He shrugs.
He takes his shorts off leaving him in his briefs.
He dives in the water and bobs up to look at me like I'm coming in."I'm not getting in."I cross my hands over my chest.
"I don't have a swim suit." I look down at my feet.
"so..." He grins devilishly.

Romance•1• His tongue slips in and I get caught off guard. Woah buddy! I push back slightly and he let's go and looks into my eyes. "what?" he asks confused. No trace of anger, but instead- confusion. "Sorry." I pant out. "I just. We're friends." I say...